Start-FinOpsCostExport Initiates a Cost Management export run for the most recent period.

Syntax Examples

On this page

The Start-FinOpsCostExport command runs a Cost Management export for the most recent period using the Run API.

This command has been tested with the following API versions:

  • 2023-07-01-preview (default) – Enables FocusCost and other datasets.
  • 2023-08-01

🧮 Syntax

Start-FinOpsCostExport `
    [-Name] <string> `
    [-Scope <string>] `
    [-StartDate <datetime>] `
    [-EndDate <datetime>] `
    [-Backfill <number>] `
    [-ApiVersion <string>]

📥 Parameters

Name Description
‑Name Required. Name of the export.
‑Scope Optional. Resource ID of the scope to export data for. If empty, defaults to current subscription context.
‑StartDate Optional. Day to start pulling the data for. If not set, the export will use the dates defined in the export configuration.
‑EndDate Optional. Last day to pull data for. If not set and -StartDate is set, -EndDate will use the last day of the month. If not set and -StartDate is not set, the export will use the dates defined in the export configuration.
‑Backfill Optional. Number of months to export the data for. Make note of throttling (429) errors. This is only run once. Failed exports are not re-attempted. Default = 0.
‑ApiVersion Optional. API version to use when calling the Cost Management Exports API. Default = 2023-07-01-preview.

🌟 Examples

Export configured period

Start-FinopsCostExport -Name 'CostExport'

Runs an export called ‘CostExport’ for the configured period.

Export specific dates

Start-FinopsCostExport -Name 'CostExport' -StartDate '2023-01-01' -EndDate '2023-12-31'

Runs an export called ‘CostExport’ for a specific date range.

Backfill export

Start-FinopsCostExport -Name 'CostExport' -Backfill 12

Runs an export called ‘CostExport’ for the previous 12 months.

  • 🏦 FinOps hubs – Open, extensible, and scalable cost reporting.
  • 📊 Power BI reports – Accelerate your reporting with Power BI starter kits.

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