Troubleshooting Solutions to the most frequent issues with deployment and runtime.

  • When deploying AOE, I am getting a generic template deployment error In some situations, the AOE template deployment results in a “The template deployment failed with multiple errors” message or similar. To identify the cause of the deployment failure, you have to check, in the Azure portal, the “Deployments” menu option both in the resource group and subscription details you chose to deploy AOE in. You will find a resourcesDeployment deployment in the resource group and a deployment with the AOE name prefix in the subscription, where you can identify the error details. Azure Policy deny policies are one of the typical causes for deployment errors.

  • Why are my Recommendations workbook and Power BI report still empty after deploying AOE? AOE takes up to 3 hours after deployment to export and ingest the data required to generate recommendations into Log Analytics / SQL Database. If after this time you aren’t still seeing any recommendations, check whether:
    • You have changed the Power BI data source to the SQL Database endpoint of your AOE deployment (see instructions).
    • Azure Advisor has been reporting recommendations for the subscriptions in the AOE scope.
    • You refreshed the report data, as most of the Power BI report pages are configured to filter out recommendations older than 7 days.
    • Azure Automation runbooks have been failing, especially critical ones such as Ingest-RecommendationsToLogAnalytics, Ingest-RecommendationsToSQLServer and all the runbooks with a Recommend- prefix, and verify the Exception message that is logged, which will normally give you a hint for the failure cause.
    • A daily cap has been set in the AOE Log Analytics Workspace that might be dropping the ingestion of AOE logs after the cap was reached.
  • Why some workbooks present this message: Failed to resolve table or column expression named 'AzureOptimizationPricesheetV1_CL'? This is typically a symptom of not having granted the required permissions to the AOE Automation Account managed identity, which authenticates with Azure Cost Management to download your Azure pricesheet. See setup instructions here. NOTE: only Enterprise Agreement (EA) and Microsoft Customer Agreement (MCA) customers are supported by AOE for Azure pricesheet download.

  • Why some workbooks present this message: Failed to resolve table or column expression named 'AzureOptimizationReservationsUsageV1_CL' (or 'AzureOptimizationSavingsPlansUsageV1_CL')? This can be caused by lack of permissions in the AOE managed identity (see question above) or simply because your organization did not buy any Reservations or Savings Plans.

  • Why is the Identity and Roles workbook empty and presenting error messages? This is typically a symptom of not having granted the required permissions, at the Entra ID tenant level, to the AOE Automation Account managed identity. After having granted the Global Reader role to the AOE managed identity, the workbook should populate on the next day. If, after having granted the Global Reader role the workbook is still reporting errors, you need to investigate whether the Export-AADObjectsToBlobStorage runbook is failing and verify the Exception message that is logged, which will normally give you a hint for the failure cause. A typical cause is lack of sufficient memory in the Azure Automation sandbox worker. For a Hybrid Worker work-around, see instructions here. You can also filter the Entra ID users and groups, by creating the AzureOptimization_AADObjectsUserFilter and AzureOptimization_AADObjectsGroupFilter automation variables with an Microsoft Graph OData filter.

  • The Export-ConsumptionToBlobStorage runbook takes a long time to finish or the Ingest-OptimizationCSVExportsToLogAnalytics runbook has been failing consistently for the consumptionexports container This might be caused by AOE having to deal with a large number of subscriptions in your environment, exporting a large number of small blobs. In order to optimize Azure consumption ingestion, we recommend you to switch consumption exports from a subscription scope to a billing account or billing profile scope (NOTE: this is possible only for EA or MCA customers). To achieve this, you must create, in the AOE Automation Account, an AzureOptimization_ConsumptionScope variable set to BillingAccount (EA) or BillingProfile (MCA). Ensure you have granted the needed permissions to the AOE managed identity at the EA/MCA billing account/profile level and that the AzureOptimization_BillingAccountID (EA/MCA) and AzureOptimization_BillingProfileID (MCA only) are correctly set (see instructions). After all this settings, the next run of the consumption exports should generate a single blob for the whole billing account/profile.

  • Why is my VM right-size recommendations overview page empty? The AOE depends on Azure Advisor Cost recommendations for VM right-sizing. If no VMs are showing up, try increasing the CPU threshold in the Azure Advisor configuration (see steps here)… or maybe your virtual machine infrastructure is not oversized after all!

  • Why are my VM right-size recommendations showing up with so many Unknowns for the metrics thresholds? The AOE depends on your VMs being monitored by Azure Monitor agents and configured to send a set of performance metrics that are then used to augment Advisor recommendations. See more details here.

  • Why am I getting values so small for costs and savings after setting up AOE? The Azure consumption exports runbook has just begun its daily execution and only got one day of consumption data. After one month - or after manually kicking off the runbook for past dates -, you should see the correct consumption data.

  • Why am I seeing historical data in the AOE workbooks only for the last 30 days? The default AOE Log Analytics retention is 30 days. If you need to keep historical data for a longer period, increase the Log Analytics retention accordingly.

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