Cost summary report Common breakdowns of your cost to identify top contributors, review changes over time, build a chargeback report, and summarize savings.

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On this page

The Cost summary report provides a general overview of cost and savings with a few common breakdowns that enable you to:

  • Identify the top cost contributors.
  • Review changes in cost over time.
  • Build a chargeback report.
  • Summarize cost savings from negotiated and commitment discounts.

You can download the Cost summary report from the latest release.

Working with this report

This report includes the following filters on each page:

  • Charge period (date range)
  • Subscription and resource group
  • Region
  • Commitment (e.g., reservation, savings plan)
  • Service (e.g., Virtual machines, SQL database)
  • Currency

A few common KPIs you fill find in this report are:

  • Effective cost shows the effective cost for the period with reservation purchases amortized across the commitment term.
  • Total savings shows how much you’re saving compared to list prices.

Note the currency must be single-select to ensure costs in different currencies aren’t mixed.

Get started

The Get started page includes a basic introduction to the report with additional links to learn more.

Screenshot of the Get started page


The Summary page shows the running total (or accumulated cost) for the selected period. This is helpful in determining what your cost trends are.

The page uses the standard layout with cost, negotiated discount savings, and commitment discount savings in the chart and the subscription hierarchy with resource groups and resources in the table.

Screenshot of the Summary page


The Services page offers a breakdown of cost by service. This is useful for determining how service usage changes over time at a high level, usually across multiple subscriptions or the entire billing account.

The page uses the standard layout with a breakdown of services (meter category) in the chart and table. The table has a further breakdown by tier (meter subcategory), meter, and product.

Screenshot of the Services page


The Subscriptions page includes a breakdown of cost by subscription. This is useful for building a chargeback report and determining which departments/teams/environments (depending on how you use subscriptions) are accruing the most cost.

The page uses the standard layout with a breakdown of subscriptions in the chart and table. The table has a further breakdown by resource group and resource.

Screenshot of the Subscriptions page

Resource groups

The Resource groups page includes a breakdown of cost by resource group. This is useful for building a chargeback report and determining which teams/projects (depending on how you use resource groups) are accruing the most cost.

The page uses the standard layout with a breakdown of resource groups in the chart and table. The table has a further breakdown by resource.

Screenshot of the Resource groups page


The Resources page includes a breakdown of cost by resource. This is useful for determining which resources are accruing the most cost.

The page uses the standard layout with a breakdown of resources in the chart and table. Instead of a hierarchy, The table includes columns about the resource location, resource group, subscription, and tags.

Screenshot of the Resources page


The Regions page includes a breakdown of cost by region with a map showing the cost from each region. The map shows approximate locations and is not exact.

Regions in the Cost Management FOCUS dataset include additional data cleansing for consistency with Azure regions and may not match the exact values in actual and amortized datasets.

Screenshot of the Regions page


The Inventory page includes a list of resource types with the count, total cost, and cost per resource for each type.

Screenshot of the Inventory page


The Commitments page serves 3 primary purposes:

  1. Determine if there are any under-utilized commitments.
  2. Facilitate chargeback at a subscription, resource group, or resource level.
  3. Summarize cost savings obtained from commitment discounts.

This page uses the standard layout with a breakdown of commitment discounts in the chart and table.

In addition to cost and savings KPIs, there is also a utilization KPI for the amount of commitment discounts that have been utilized during the period. Low utilization will result in lost savings potential, so this number is one of the most important KPIs on the page.

The chart breaks down the cost of used (utilized) vs. unused charges. Unused charges are split out by commitment type (e.g., reservation, savings plan).

The table shows resource usage against commitment discounts with columns for resource name, resource group, subscription, and commitment. Use the table for chargeback and savings calculations.

This page filters usage down to only show charges related to commitment discounts, which means the total cost on the Commitments page won’t match other pages, which aren’t filtered by default.

Screenshot of the Commitment discounts page

Hybrid Benefit

The Hybrid Benefit page shows Azure Hybrid Benefit (AHB) usage for Windows Server virtual machines (VMs).

KPIs show how many VMs are using Azure Hybrid Benefit and how many vCPUs are used.

There are 3 charts on the page:

  1. SKU names and number of VMs currently using less than 8 vCPUs. These are under-utilizing AHB.
  2. SKU names and number of VMs with 8+ vCPUs that are not currently using AHB.
  3. Daily breakdown of AHB and non-AHB usage (excluding those where AHB is not supported).

The table shows a list of VMs that are currently using or could be using AHB with their vCPU count, AHB vCPU count, resource group, subscription, cost and quantity.

Screenshot of the Hybrid Benefit page


The Prices page shows the prices for all products that were used during the period.

The chart shows a summary of the meters that were used the most.

Screenshot of the Prices page


The Purchases page shows a list of products that were purchased during the period.

Screenshot of the Purchases page

Charge breakdown

The Charge breakdown page shows a breakdown of all charges using the following information hierarchy:

  1. ChargeCategory
  2. ChargeSubcategory
  3. PricingCategory
  4. x_PricingSubcategory
  5. ServiceCategory
  6. ServiceName
  7. x_SkuMeterCategory
  8. x_SkuMeterSubcategory
  9. x_SkuMeterName
  10. SubAccountName
  11. x_ResourceGroupName
  12. ResourceName

Screenshot of the Charge breakdown page

Raw data

The Raw data page shows a table with most columns to help you explore FOCUS columns.

Screenshot of the Raw data page


The Data quality page is for data validation purposes only; however, it can be used to explore charge categories, pricing categories, services, and regions.

Screenshot of the Data quality page

See also

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