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Azure Kubernetes Service

Query: AKS Cluster

This Azure Resource Graph (ARG) query retrieves detailed information about Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) clusters within your Azure environment.


Resource management


| where type == "microsoft.containerservice/managedclusters"
| extend AgentPoolProfiles = properties.agentPoolProfiles
| mvexpand AgentPoolProfiles
| project
    ProfileName = tostring(,
    Sku = tostring(,
    Tier = tostring(sku.tier),
    mode = AgentPoolProfiles.mode,
    AutoScaleEnabled = AgentPoolProfiles.enableAutoScaling,
    SpotVM = AgentPoolProfiles.scaleSetPriority,
    VMSize = tostring(AgentPoolProfiles.vmSize),
    nodeCount = tostring(AgentPoolProfiles.['count']),
    minCount = tostring(AgentPoolProfiles.minCount),
    maxCount = tostring(AgentPoolProfiles.maxCount),
    AKSname = name

Virtual machines

Query: List Virtual Machines stopped (and not deallocated)

This Azure Resource Graph (ARG) query identifies Virtual Machines (VMs) in your Azure environment that are not in the ‘deallocated’ or ‘running’ state. It retrieves details about their power state, location, resource group, and subscription ID.


Waste reduction


| where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines' 
    and tostring(properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.displayStatus) != 'VM deallocated' 
    and tostring(properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.displayStatus) != 'VM running'
| extend PowerState = tostring(properties.extended.instanceView.powerState.displayStatus)
| extend VMLocation = location
| extend resourceGroup = strcat('/subscriptions/', subscriptionId, '/resourceGroups/', resourceGroup)
| order by id asc
| project id, PowerState, VMLocation, resourceGroup, subscriptionId

Query: Virtual machine scale set details

This query analyzes Virtual Machine Scale Sets (VMSS) in your Azure environment based on their SKU, spot VM priority, and priority mix policy. It provides insights for cost optimization and resource management strategies.


Resource management


| where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachinescalesets'
| extend SpotVMs = tostring(properties.virtualMachineProfile.priority)
| extend SpotPriorityMix = tostring(properties.priorityMixPolicy)
| extend SKU = tostring(
| extend resourceGroup = strcat('/subscriptions/', subscriptionId, '/resourceGroups/', resourceGroup)
| project id, SKU, SpotVMs, SpotPriorityMix, subscriptionId, resourceGroup, location

Query: Virtual Machine processor type analysis

This query identifies the processor type (ARM, AMD, or Intel) used by Virtual Machines (VMs) in your Azure environment. It helps in understanding the distribution of VMs across different processor architectures, which is useful for optimizing workload performance and cost efficiency.


Resource management


| where type == 'microsoft.compute/virtualmachines'
| extend vmSize = properties.hardwareProfile.vmSize
| extend processorType = case(
    // ARM Processors
    vmSize has "Epsv5"
        or vmSize has "Epdsv5"
        or vmSize has "Dpsv5"
        or vmSize has "Dpdsv", "ARM",
    // AMD Processors
    vmSize has "Standard_D2a"
        or vmSize has "Standard_D4a"
        or vmSize has "Standard_D8a"
        or vmSize has "Standard_D16a"
        or vmSize has "Standard_D32a"
        or vmSize has "Standard_D48a"
        or vmSize has "Standard_D64a"
        or vmSize has "Standard_D96a"
        or vmSize has "Standard_D2as"
        or vmSize has "Standard_D4as"
        or vmSize has "Standard_D8as"
        or vmSize has "Standard_D16as"
        or vmSize has "Standard_D32as"
        or vmSize has "Standard_D48as"
        or vmSize has "Standard_D64as"
        or vmSize has "Standard_D96as", "AMD",
| project vmName = name, processorType, vmSize, resourceGroup

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