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đź“‹ Validate your FinOps hub deployment

This guide helps you troubleshoot issues with the FinOps Hubs, focusing on two main sections: Data Ingestion and Connecting to Your Data. Always start troubleshooting with the Data Ingestion section before moving on to Connecting to Your Data.

Step 1: Verify Cost Management export

  1. Go to Cost Management exports and make sure the export status is “Successful”.
  2. If it is not successful, ensure you have the Cost Management resource provider registered for the subscription where your hub is deployed.

Step 2: Verify Data Factory pipelines

  1. Go to Data Factory studio, then go to Monitor and make sure both pipelines are running.
  2. Compare the last run time with the time of the last cost export. They should be close.
  3. Open the Data Factory instance in Data Factory Studio and select Manage > Author > Triggers. Verify the msexports_FileAdded trigger is started. If not, start it.
  4. If the trigger fails to start with a “resource provider is not registered” error, open the subscription in the Azure portal, then select Settings > Resource providers, select the Microsoft.EventGrid row, then select Register. Registration may take a few minutes.
  5. After registration completes, start the msexports_FileAdded trigger again.
  6. After the trigger is started, re-run all connected Cost Management exports. Data should be fully ingested within 10-20 minutes.
  7. If the ingestion pipeline is not running and it is showing a MappingColumnNameNotFoundInSourceFile error message, verify the export is configured for FOCUS 1.0-preview(v1) and not 1.0.

Step 3: Verify storage account – msexports container

  1. The msexports container is where the Cost Management pushes “raw” export to. This container should not have CSV files as hubs transforms them into parquet files.
  2. If the you see CSV files in the msexports container, refer back to Verify Data Factory pipelines.

Step 4: Verify storage account – ingestion container

  1. The ingestion container is where clients, like Power BI, connect to pull data. This container should always have one or more parquet files for each month.
  2. If you don’t see any parquet files in the ingestion container, check for CSV files in the mseports container.
  3. If you find CSV files inside the msexports container, it means that Data Factory pipeline is not working. Refer back to Verify Data Factory pipelines..
  4. If there are no CSV files in the msexports container and no parquet files inside the ingestion container, it means the Cost Management export is not running properly. Refer back to Verify Cost Management export.

đź“‹ Validate your Power BI configuration

Step 1: Connect Power BI to storage

Decide whether you will connect to storage using a user or service principal account or using a storage account key (aka SAS token).

  • Using a user or service principal account
    1. Ensure you have the Storage Blob Data Reader role explicitly to the account you will use. This permission is not inherited even if you have “Owner” or “Contributor” permissions.
  • Using a SAS token
    1. Ensure you’ve set the following permissions for the token:
      • Allowed services: Blob
      • Allowed resource types: Container and Object
      • Allowed permissions: Read and List
    2. Ensure you have also set a valid start and expiry date/time.

Step 2: Troubleshoot connection errors

  1. If you try to connect to your storage account and receive an error: “Access to the resource is forbidden”, it is very likely you are missing a few permissions. Refer back to Connect Power BI to storage to ensure you have the correct permissions.
  2. If you ssee an error about access being forbidden, review if the billing account that you are connecting to is correct. Power BI reports are provided with a sample billing account, and if you don’t change that to your own ID, you won’t be able to connect.

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