Intro to Data Analysis
- Background of GED VIZ (If you are interested in learning about the background of GED VIZ and/or want to share the background with students.)
- The Digitization of the World
Instructional Activities and Classroom Assessments
- Introduction to Data Analysis and Visualization (15 minutes)
- A Tale of Economies (5 minutes)
- Group Activity: Analyze Impact of the Recession (10 minutes)
- Group Activity: Tell Your Own Story (15 minutes)
- Homework
Learning Objectives
- DAT-2.A Describe what information can be extracted from data.
- DAT-2.D
- DAT-2.E
Essential Knowledge
- DAT-2.A.1 Information is the collection of facts and patterns extracted from data.
- DAT-2.A.2 Data provide opportunities for identifying trends, make connections, and addressing problems.
- DAT-2-A.3. Digitally processed data may show correlation between variables. A correlation found in data does not necessarily indicate that a causal relationship exists. Additional research is needed to understand the exact nature of the relationship.
- DAT-2.A.4 Often, a single source does not contain the data needed to draw a conclusion. It may be necessary to combine data from a variety of sources to formulate a conclusion.
- DAT-2.D.1
- DAT-2.D.2
- DAT-2.D.3
- DAT-2.D.4
- DAT-2.D.5
- DAT-2.D.6
- DAT-2.E.1
- DAT-2.E.2
- DAT-2.E.3
- DAT-2.E.4
- DAT-2.E.5
0. Before class
- Create a section in the Collaboration Space of your Class OneNote notebook titled "GED VIZ Stories."
- Copy the GED VIZ - Tell Your Own Story page to the GED VIZ Stories section and duplicate it so that you have enough pages for each small group.
- Number the pages so when you assign the groups, they know which page number they will use.
1. Introduction to Data Analysis and Visualization (15 minutes)
- Define Data Analysis.
- Show students the GED Viz visual of the computer import/export data.
- Explain the trend we see with this data.
- Play the GED VIZ Tutorial video.
- Discuss the goal of GED VIZ.
2. A Tale of Economies (5 minutes)
- Discuss the Great Recession of 2008:
- Play the video
- Explain the global impact
3. Group activity: Analyze Impact of the Recession (10 minutes)
- Ask students to use the A Tale of Economies Activity page to guide their exploration of two different GED VIZ slide shows.
- Ask students to work in pairs to review the data for each slide show and answer the questions on the page.
- You can use the Group Generator program to randomly sort students.
- Give students five minutes to explore; if they finish before five minutes, you can move on to the next step.
- Discuss the data together:
- What were your observations from looking at the data?
- Why do you think oil trade bounced back the fastest?
- Why do you think iron/steel was the slowest to recover?
- Why do you think Greece, Latvia, and Iceland never fully recovered?
4. Group activity: Tell Your Own Story (15 minutes)
- Ask students to work with a teammate to do the following:
- Go to the GED VIZ - Tell Your Own Story page.
- Select a topic they will analyze with the GED VIZ tool:
- Students can find topic ideas on the GED VIZ - Tell Your Own Story page.
- Create a slide show for the data they are analyzing.
- Write a short explanation of:
- What the slide show depicts, and
- What you believe the data is telling us.
- Ask students to add the link to their slide show and their analysis to a OneNote page in the collaboration space.
- Give students 15 minutes to complete the task.
- If students finish early, encourage students to look at other group's analysis for a couple of minutes.
5. Homework
- If a group does not finish the Tell Your Own Story activity, they need to finish it for homework.