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This function scans a standard Person query output for groups with high levels of a given Viva Insights Metric. Returns a plot by default, with an option to return a table with all groups (across multiple HR attributes) ranked by the specified metric.


  hrvar = extract_hr(data, exclude_constants = TRUE),
  mingroup = 5,
  return = "table",
  mode = "simple",
  plot_mode = 1



A Standard Person Query dataset in the form of a data frame.


Character string containing the name of the metric, e.g. "Collaboration_hours"


String containing the name of the HR Variable by which to split metrics. Defaults to "Organization". To run the analysis on the total instead of splitting by an HR attribute, supply NULL (without quotes).


Numeric value setting the privacy threshold / minimum group size. Defaults to 5.


String specifying what to return. This must be one of the following strings:

  • "plot" (default)

  • "table"

See Value for more information.


String to specify calculation mode. Must be either:

  • "simple"

  • "combine"


Numeric vector to determine which plot mode to return. Must be either 1 or 2, and is only used when return = "plot".

  • 1: Top and bottom five groups across the data population are highlighted

  • 2: Top and bottom groups per organizational attribute are highlighted


A different output is returned depending on the value passed to the return argument:

  • "plot": 'ggplot' object. A bubble plot where the x-axis represents the metric, the y-axis represents the HR attributes, and the size of the bubbles represent the size of the organizations. Note that there is no plot output if mode is set to "combine".

  • "table": data frame. A summary table for the metric.


Carlos Morales Torrado

Martin Chan


pq_data_small <- dplyr::slice_sample(pq_data, prop = 0.1)

# Plot mode 1 - show top and bottom five groups
  data = pq_data_small,
  hrvar = c("FunctionType", "LevelDesignation"),
  metric = "Emails_sent",
  return = "plot",
  plot_mode = 1

# Plot mode 2 - show top and bottom groups per HR variable
  data = pq_data_small,
  hrvar = c("FunctionType", "LevelDesignation"),
  metric = "Emails_sent",
  return = "plot",
  plot_mode = 2

# Return a table
  data = pq_data_small,
  metric = "Emails_sent",
  return = "table"
#> # A tibble: 22 × 4
#>    hrvar               group     Emails_sent     n
#>    <chr>               <chr>           <dbl> <int>
#>  1 FunctionType        Advisor          45.8    83
#>  2 Organization        IT               45.3    61
#>  3 Organization        Research         44.7    46
#>  4 FunctionType        Manager          44.5   140
#>  5 Level               Level4           44.3   126
#>  6 LevelDesignation    Junior IC        44.3   126
#>  7 SupervisorIndicator IC               44.3    32
#>  8 Organization        Finance          44.0    65
#>  9 SupervisorIndicator Manager          43.7   247
#> 10 Level               Level3           43.7    84
#> # ℹ 12 more rows

# \donttest{
# Return a table - combination mode
  data = pq_data_small,
  metric = "Emails_sent",
  mode = "combine",
  return = "table"
#> # A tibble: 296 × 4
#>    hrvar    group                                              Emails_sent     n
#>    <chr>    <chr>                                                    <dbl> <int>
#>  1 Combined [FunctionType] Advisor [SupervisorIndicator] IC           52.3     8
#>  2 Combined [FunctionType] Manager [SupervisorIndicator] IC           49.5    19
#>  3 Combined [FunctionType] Advisor [SupervisorIndicator] Mana…        45.1    75
#>  4 Combined [FunctionType] Specialist [SupervisorIndicator] M…        43.8   146
#>  5 Combined [FunctionType] Manager [SupervisorIndicator] Mana…        43.7   121
#>  6 Combined [FunctionType] Consultant [SupervisorIndicator] M…        43.4    77
#>  7 Combined [FunctionType] Technician [SupervisorIndicator] M…        43.0    45
#>  8 Combined [FunctionType] Technician [SupervisorIndicator] IC        42.7     6
#>  9 Combined [FunctionType] Consultant [SupervisorIndicator] IC        40      11
#> 10 Combined [FunctionType] Specialist [SupervisorIndicator] IC        39.2    23
#> # ℹ 286 more rows
# }