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Multilanguage functionality

Explanation for the connection of multiple languages of the same Skill


We introduced the possibility to connect multiple languages of the same Skill at the same time to the Virtual Assistant using Botskills CLI Tool.

Connections depend on the triangulation of the following language sources:

  • The Dispatch models available in the Virtual Assistant
  • The languages for the intents in the Skill Manifest
  • The --languages argument of the botskills connect command

The only way to successfully execute the connection of several languages between a Virtual Assistant and a Skill would be if the --languages argument contains the same or less values than the result of the intersection between the Dispatch models languages and the Skill manifest intents languages.

Known scenarios

Assuming this scenario:

  • Dispatch models in en-us, es-es, fr-fr available in the Virtual Assistant
  • The Skill Manifest contains en-us, es-es, it-it as languages for the intents

In this case, the intersection between the Dispatch models and the languages for the intents is en-us and es-es. So, the --languages argument should contain:

  • en-us,es-es
  • en-us
  • es-es

If the tool identifies an invalid language, it will stop the execution without connecting the valid languages.


Taking into account the scenario mentioned, we will connect the en-us and es-es languages of the Skill to the Virtual Assistant

botskills connect --remoteManifest "https://<YOUR_SKILL_NAME>" --cs --languages "en-us,es-es" --luisFolder "<PATH_TO_LU_FOLDER>"

Since --languages is an optional argument, it will connect en-us by default, unless we pass a value to the argument.

Further Reading