This site is obsolete and should be used for reference only. The information in this documentation is not guaranteed to work for Bot Framework SDK versions past 4.9.1.

Tutorial: Create (csharp)

Create your skill project

  1. In Visual Studio, select File > New Project.
  2. Search for Skill Template and select Next.
  3. Name your project and select Create.
  4. Build your project to restore the NuGet packages.

What files were created?

| - Adapters                            // BotAdapter implementations for configuring Middleware
    | - DefaultAdapter.cs               // Configures basic middleware
| - Bots                                // IBot implementations for initializing dialog stack
    | - DefaultActivityHandler.cs       // Initializes the dialog stack with a primary dialog (e.g. MainDialog)
| - Controllers                         // API Controllers
    | - BotController.cs                // API Controller for api/messages endpoint
| - Deployment                          // Files for deployment and provisioning
    | - Resources                       // Resources for deployment and provisioning
        | - LU                          // Files for deploying LUIS language models
            | -              // General language model (e.g. Cancel, Help, Escalate, etc.)
            | -                // Sample language model for your skill
        | - template.json               // ARM Deployment template
        | - parameters.template.json    // ARM Deployment parameters file
    | - Scripts                         // PowerShell scripts for deployment and provisioning
        | - deploy.ps1                  // Deploys and provisions Azure resources and cognitive models
        | - deploy_cognitive_models.ps1 // Deploys and provisions cognitive models only
        | - update_cognitive_models.ps1 // Updates existing cognitive models
        | - luis_functions.ps1          // Functions used for deploying and updating LUIS models
        | - qna_functions.ps1           // Functions used for deploying and updating QnA Maker knowledgebases
        | - publish.ps1                 // Script to publish your Bot to Azure
| - Dialogs                             // Bot Framework Dialogs
    | - MainDialog.cs                   // Dialog for routing incoming messages
    | - SampleAction.cs                 // Sample action which prompts user for name
    | - SampleDialog.cs                 // Sample dialog which prompts user for name
    | - SkillDialogBase.cs              // Dialog base class for shared steps and config
| - Models                              // Data models
    | - SkillState.cs                   // Model for storing skill state
    | - StateProperties.cs              // Constants for state property keys
| - Pipeline                            // Files for setting up an deployment pipeline in Azure DevOps
    | - Skill.yml                       // Sample build pipeline template for Azure DevOps
| - Responses                           // Classes and files for representing bot responses
    | - AllResponses.lg                 // Combined language generation templates
    | - MainResponses.lg                // Language generation templates for Main Dialog responses
    | - SampleResponses.lg              // Language generation templates for Sample Dialog responses
| - Services                            // Configuration for connected services and service clients
    | - BotServices.cs                  // Class representation of service clients and recognizers
    | - BotSettings.cs                  // Class representation of configuration files
    | - GeneralLuis.cs                  // Class representation of LUIS result from General language model
    | - SkillLuis.cs                    // Class representation of LUIS result from Skill language model
| - appsettings.json                    // Configuration for application and Azure services
| - cognitivemodels.json                // Configuration for language models, knowledgebases, and dispatch model
| - Program.cs                          // Default Program.cs file
| - Startup.cs                          // Initializes dependencies