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Tutorial: Customize (csharp)

Edit your responses

Each dialog within your skill contains a set of responses stored in supporting Language Generation (.lg) files. You can edit the responses directly in the file to modify how your skill responds. Adjust some of the responses to suit your Skill’s personality.

This approach supports multi-lingual responses by providing alternate .lg files for different languages (e.g. By expanding MainResponses.lg or SampleResponses.lg in Visual Studio you can see the accompany multi-lingual response files.

Add additional responses

If you wish to add additional responses, add an additional LG file to the directory and populate as required. See this reference for more information on Language Generation.

Within AllResponses.lg in your Responses directory, add the newly created LG file.


Your LG file will be added automatically in the templateFile variable of the Startup.cs.

// Configure localized responses
var localizedTemplates = new Dictionary<string, string>();
var templateFile = "AllResponses";
var supportedLocales = new List<string>() { "en-us", "de-de", "es-es", "fr-fr", "it-it", "zh-cn" };

Multiple Responses

Language Generation enables multiple responses to be provided for each response type enabling the LG engine to randomly select a response at runtime. Providing multiple options enables a more natural experience for your users and the provided LG files provide a variety of options that you can customize.

Learn more about the Language Generation template syntax here.