This site is obsolete and should be used for reference only. The information in this documentation is not guaranteed to work for Bot Framework SDK versions past 4.9.1.

Deployment Scripts

A number of PowerShell scripts are provided in the Virtual Assistant Template to help deploy and configure your different resources. Please find details on each script’s purpose, parameters, and outputs below.


LU - this folder contains localized .lu files representing the basic LUIS models provided in the project.

QnA - this folder contains localized .qna files representing the basic knowledge bases provided in the project.

template.json - this file is the ARM template used to deploy the Azure Resources required by the project.

parameters.template.json - this file can be used to modify the default parameters in template.json for your specific implementation.



This script orchestrates the deployment of all Azure Resources and Cognitive Models to get the Virtual Assistant running.

Parameter Description Required?
name The name for your Azure resources. Yes
resourceGroup The name for your Azure resource group. Default value is the name parameter. No
location The region for your Azure resource group and resources. Yes
appId The application Id for your Microsoft App Registration. No
appPassword The password for your Microsoft App Registration. If appId is provided this should be the password for your existing Microsoft App Registration. Otherwise, a new registration will be created using this password. Yes
parametersFile Optional configuration file for ARM Template deployment. No
createLuisAuthoring Indicates whether a new LUIS authoring resource should be created. If false, luisAuthoringKey and luisEndpoint parameters must be provided. Yes
luisAuthoringKey The authoring key for the LUIS portal. Must be valid key for luisAuthoringRegion No
luisAuthoringRegion The region to deploy LUIS apps. Yes
armLuisAuthoringRegion The region to deploy LUIS authoring resource in Azure (only required for Azure Gov deployments) No
luisEndpoint The LUIS endpoint for deploying and managing LUIS applications. Required if createLuisAuthoring is set to false. No
useGov Flag indicating if the deployment is targeting the Azure Government Cloud. Defaults to false. No
qnaEndpoint Endpoint for deploying QnA Maker knowledge bases (only required for Azure Gov deployments. See note below for more information.). No
languages Specifies which languages to deploy cognitive models in a comma separated string (e.g. “en-us,de-de,es-es”). Defaults to “en-us”. No
projDir Location to save appsettings.json and cognitivemodels.json configuration files. Defaults to current directory. No
logFile Log file for any errors that occur during script execution. Defaults to Deployment folder with the name of deploy_log.txt. No

Note: QnA Maker requires three Azure resources, a QnA Maker Cognitive Service subscription, an Azure Search resource, and an Azure web app. The Cognitive Service subscription can only be deployed in West US for Azure Commercial deployments, therefore the QnA Maker endpoint will be the same for all regions unless the service is being deployed for Azure Government.


This script deploys all the language models found in Deployment/Resources/LU and the knowledgebases found in Deployment/Resources/QnA. Finally it creates a Dispatch model to dispatch between all cognitive models.

Parameter Description Required?
name The base name for all Cognitive Models. Model language and name will be appended. (e.g MyAssistanten_General) Yes
luisAuthoringRegion The region to deploy LUIS apps Yes
luisAuthoringKey The authoring key for the LUIS portal. Must be valid key for luisAuthoringRegion. Yes
luisAccountName The LUIS service name from the Azure Portal. Yes
luisAccountRegion The LUIS service region from the Azure Portal. Yes
luisSubscriptionKey The LUIS service subscription key from the Azure Portal. Yes
luisEndpoint The LUIS endpoint for deploying and managing LUIS apps. Yes
resourceGroup The resource group where the LUIS service is deployed Yes
qnaSubscriptionKey The subscription key for the QnA Maker service. Can be found in the Azure Portal. Yes
qnaEndpoint The QnA Maker endpoint for deploying and managing QnA Maker knowledge bases. Defaults to No
useGov Flag indicating whether the deployment is targeting the Azure Government Cloud. No
useDispatch Flag indicating whether a Dispatch model should be created based on the deployed LUIS apps and QnA Maker knowledge bases. No
languages Specifies which languages to deploy cognitive models in a comma separated string (e.g. “en-us,de-de,es-es”). Defaults to “en-us”. No
outFolder Location to save cognitivemodels.json configuration file. Defaults to current directory. No
logFile Log file for any errors that occur during script execution. Defaults to Deployment folder with the name of deploy_cognitive_models_log.txt. No
excludedKbFromDispatch QnA Maker knowledge bases included in this list will be deployed but not added to the Dispatch model. No


This script updates your hosted language models and knowledgebases based on local .lu files. Or, it can update your local .lu files based on your current hosted models. Finally, it refreshes your dispatch model with the latest changes.

Parameter Description Required?
RemoteToLocal Flag indicating that local files should be updated based on hosted models. Defaults to false. No
useGov Flag indicating that cognitive models are deployed in Azure Government Cloud. No
useLuisGen Flag indicating that LUIS Generation files should be updated for the LUIS and Dispatch models. Defaults to true. No
configFile The folder path to the cognitivemodels.json file. Defaults to current directory. No
dispatchFolder The folder path to the .dispatch file. Defaults to Deployment/Resources/Dispatch No
luisFolder The folder path to the .lu files for your LUIS models. Defaults to Deployment/Resources/LU No
qnaFolder The folder path to the .qna files for your QnA Maker knowledgebases. Defaults to Deployment/Resources/QnA No
qnaEndpoint The QnA Maker endpoint for deploying and managing QnA Maker knowledge bases. No
lgOutFolder The folder path output LuisGen file for your Dispatch model. Defaults to Services folder No
logFile Log file for any errors that occur during script execution. Defaults to Deployment folder with the name of update_cognitive_models_log.txt. No
excludedKbFromDispatch QnA Maker knowledge bases included in this list will be deployed but not added to the Dispatch model. No


This script builds and publishes your local project to your Azure.

Parameter Description Required?
name The name of the Azure Web App Bot for deployment Yes
resourceGroup The resource group for the Azure Web App Bot Yes
projFolder The project folder. Defaults to current directory No
logFile Log file for any errors that occur during script execution. Defaults to Deployment folder with the name of publish_log.txt. No

Frequently asked questions

What services are deployed by the script?

The Virtual Assistant Template relies on a number of Azure resources to run. The included deployment scripts and ARM template use the following services:

Resource Notes
Azure Bot Service The Azure Bot Service resource stores configuration information that allows your Virtual Assistant to be accessed on the supported Channels and provide OAuth authentication.
Azure Blob Storage Used to store conversation transcripts.
Azure Cosmos DB Used to store conversation state.
Azure App Service Plan Used to host your Web App Bot and QnA Maker Web App.
Azure Application Insights Used to capture conversation and application telemetry. Available regions
Web App Bot Hosts your Bot application.
Language Understanding Subscription keys for Language Understanding Cognitive Service.
QnA Maker Subscription keys for QnA Maker Cognitive Service. Available regions
QnA Maker Web App Hosts your QnA Maker knowledgebases.
QnA Maker Azure Search Service Search index for your QnA Maker knowledgebases. Available regions
Content Moderator Subscription keys for Content Moderator Cognitive Service.

How do I reduce my Azure costs during development?

The default parameters.template.json file is configured to use all free service tiers to reduce the cost of testing. Provide this file in the -parametersFile parameter on the deploy.ps1 script.

There are service limits associated with free tiers (e.g. Azure Search permits only 1 free tier per subscription). Free tiers should only be used for development, not for production implementations.

How do I customize my Azure resource deployment?

Any of the following parameters in the ARM template can be overridden with your preferred values using the parameters.template.json file provided in the Deployment/Resources folder:

Parameters Default Value
name Resource group name
location Resource group location
suffix Unique 7 digit string
microsoftAppId N/A
microsoftAppPassword N/A
useCosmosDb True
cosmosDbName [name]-[suffix]
cosmosDbDatabaseName “botstate-db”
cosmosDbDatabaseThroughput 400
useStorage True
storageAccountName [name]-[suffix]
appServicePlanName [name]-[suffix]
appServicePlanSku S1
appInsightsName [name]-[suffix]
appInsightsLocation Resource group location
botWebAppName [name]-[suffix]
botServiceName [name]-[suffix]
botServiceSku S1
usecontentModerator True
contentModeratorName [name]-cm-[suffix]
contentModeratorSku S0
contentModeratorLocation Resource group location
luisPredictionName [name]-luisprediction-[suffix]
luisPredictionSku S0
luisPredictionLocation Resource group location
useLuisAuthoring True
luisAuthoringName [name]-luisauthoring-[suffix]
luisAuthoringSku F0
luisAuthoringLocation N/A
qnaMakerServiceName [name]-qna-[suffix]
qnaMakerServiceSku S0
qnaMakerServiceLocation Resource group location
qnaMakerSearchName [name]-search-[suffix]
qnaMakerSearchSku Standard
qnaMakerSearchLocation Resource group location
qnaMakerWebAppName [name]-qnahost-[suffix]
qnaMakerWebAppLocation Resource group location
resourceTagName “bot”
resourceTagValue [name]-[suffix]

Simply update the parameters.template.json file with your preferred values, like so:

  "$schema": "",
  "contentVersion": "",
  "parameters": {
    "appInsightsLocation": {
      "value": "westus2"
    "qnaMakerSearchSku": {
      "value": "basic"

Then provide the path to the file as an argument on the deploy.ps1 script:

./Deployment/Scripts/deploy.ps1 -parametersFile ./Deployment/Resources/parameters.template.json

How do I use my existing Azure resources from the same resource group?

If you want to use existing resources from the same resource group, override the parameters for the services you want in the parameters.template.json. Provide this file in the parametersFile parameter on the deploy.ps1 script.


    "cosmosDbName": {
      "value": "MyCosmosDbName"

How do I use my existing Azure resources from a different resource group?

If you want to use an existing resource from a different resource group, follow these steps:

Cosmos DB

  1. Provide the following parameter in the parameters.template.json file:
     "useCosmosDb": {
         "value": false
  2. Update the following properties in appsettings.json with your service configuration from the Azure Portal:
     "cosmosDb": {
         "authkey": "",
         "cosmosDBEndpoint": "",
         "containerId": "skillstate-collection",
         "databaseId": "botstate-db"

Storage Account

  1. Provide the following parameter in the parameters.template.json file:
     "useStorage": {
         "value": false
  2. Update the following properties in appsettings.json with your service configuration from the Azure Portal:
     "blobStorage": {
         "connectionString": "",
         "container": "transcripts"

Other services

  1. Remove the resource from the resources array in template.json.
  2. Provide the appropriate configuration in appsettings.json from the Azure Portal.

How do I update my local deployment scripts with the latest?

Once you have created your Virtual Assistant or Skill projects using the various templates and generators, you may need to update the deployment scripts to reflect ongoing changes to these scripts over time.

Sample Project

For each of the template types we provide a sample project which is generated by the most recent template. This enables you to easily retrieve changes such as the deployment scripts. Alternatively you can clone the repro and use these sample projects as your starting point.

See the table below for a direct link to the appropriate sample project for your scenario:

Name Language Sample Project Location Deployment Scripts Folder
Virtual Assistant C# Sample Project Location Deployment Scripts
Virtual Assistant TypeScript Sample Project Location Deployment Scripts
Skill C# Sample Project Location Deployment Scripts
Skill TypeScript Sample Project Location Deployment Scripts

Updating your deployment scripts

GitHub doesn’t provide the ability to download folders or files interactively in the Web Browser. You must therefore clone the Bot Framework Solutions repo onto your machine.

  1. Clone the repo locally onto your machine
  2. Browse to the appropriate deployment scripts folder using the table above as a reference to the location
  3. Copy the entire contents of the Deployment folder (resources and script subdirectories) over the files in the Deployment folder of your Assistant or Skill project.

You now have the latest scripts for Assistant/Skill deployment and the latest cognitive models.


Skills are part of the Bot Framework Skills repo, so any changes to the deployment scripts will be reflected automatically when you pull the latest changes of that repository.

How do I use my existing cognitive models (LUIS and/or QnA Maker) with a Virtual Assistant project?

If you would like to use an existing LUIS app or QnA Maker knowledge base with a Virtual Assistant project, please refer to the following steps.

Use an existing QnA Maker knowledge base

If you have an existing QnA Maker knowledge base that you want to use in your Virtual Assistant project, follow these steps:

  1. Add your knowledge base configuration in cognitivemodels.json
     "knowledgebases": [
         "id": "mykb",
         "name": "<your-knowledge-base-name>",
         "kbId": "<your-knowledge-base-id>",
         "endpointKey": "<your-endpoint-key>",
         "hostname": "https://<your-qna-host>",
         "subscriptionKey": ""

    kbId, endpointKey, and hostname can be found in the Publish tab of the QnA Maker portal:

     POST /knowledgebases/<kbId>/generateAnswer
     Host: <hostname>
     Authorization: EndpointKey <endpointKey>
     Content-Type: application/json
     {"question":"<Your question>"}
  2. Run the following command from your project directory to import the .qna schema of your hosted knowledge base and update your local Dispatch model and DispatchLuis.cs file:
     .\Deployment\Scripts\update_cognitive_model.ps1 -RemoteToLocal
  3. Access your knowledge base in a Dialog using the following code (where “knowledgebase-id” is the id property from your cognitivemodels.json file):
     var qnaDialog = TryCreateQnADialog("knowledgebase-id", localizedServices);
     if (qnaDialog != null)
     return await stepContext.BeginDialogAsync(knowledgebaseId, cancellationToken: cancellationToken);

Use an existing LUIS model

If you have an existing LUIS application that you want to use in your Virtual Assistant project, follow these steps:

  1. Add your LUIS app configuration in cognitivemodels.json:
     "languageModels": [
           "id": "MyLuisApp",
           "name": "<your-luis-app-name>",
           "appId": "<your-luis-app-id>",
           "endpoint": "<your-luis-endpoint>",
           "authoringkey": "<your-luis-authoring-key>",
           "subscriptionKey": "<your-luis-subscription-key>",
           "region": "<your-luis-region>",
           "version": "0.1"

    Each of the above properties can be found in the following locations:

    • Luis application name
      • Navigate to the LUIS portal for your region (e.g. for West US region)
      • Open the Manage > Settings tab
      • Copy the App name property
    • Luis application ID
      • Navigate to the LUIS portal for your region (e.g. for West US region)
      • Open the Manage > Settings tab
      • Copy the App ID property
    • Luis endpoint
      • Navigate to the LUIS portal for your region (e.g. for West US region)
      • Open the Manage > Azure Resources > Authoring Resource tab
      • For the assigned prediction resource, copy the Endpoint URL property
    • Luis authoring key
      • Navigate to the LUIS portal for your region (e.g. for West US region)
      • Open the Manage > Azure Resources > Authoring Resource tab
      • For the assigned authoring resource, copy the Primary Key property
    • Luis subscription key
      • Navigate to the LUIS portal for your region (e.g. for West US region)
      • Open the Manage > Azure Resources > Authoring Resource tab
      • For the assigned prediction resource, copy the Primary Key property
    • Luis region
      • Navigate to the LUIS portal for your region (e.g. for West US region)
      • Open the Manage > Azure Resources > Authoring Resource tab
      • For the assigned authoring resource, copy the Location property
  2. Run the following command from your project directory to import the .lu schema of your hosted LUIS model and update your local Dispatch model and DispatchLuis.cs file:
     .\Deployment\Scripts\update_cognitive_model.ps1 -RemoteToLocal
  3. Access your LUIS model in a Dialog using the following code (where “luis-app-id” is the id property from your cognitivemodels.json file and YourLUIS.cs is the LUIS generation class created for your application):
     // Get cognitive models for the current locale.
     var localizedServices = _services.GetCognitiveModels();
     // Run LUIS recognition on General model and store result in turn state.
     var luisResult = await localizedServices.LuisServices["luis-app-id"].RecognizeAsync<YourLUIS.cs>(innerDc.Context, cancellationToken);

How do I add support for additional languages to my existing Virtual Assistant?

If you would like to add support for additional languages to your existing Virtual Assistant, please refer to the following steps.

  1. Run the following command from your project directory. Replace “locale” with one or more of the supported language codes (en-us, it-it, de-de, es-es, fr-fr, or zh-cn). The values for the remaining parameters can be found in appsettings.json after Virtual Assistant deployment.

       .\Deployment\Scripts\deploy_cognitive_models.ps1 `
         -languages "locale" `
         -name 'base-name-of-luis-model' `
         -resourceGroup 'resouce-group-for-luis-resource' `
         -luisAuthoringRegion 'luis-authoring-region' `
         -luisAuthoringKey 'luis-authoring-key' `
         -luisAccountName 'luis-account-name' `
         -luisAccountRegion 'luis-account-region' `
         -luisSubscriptionKey 'luis-subscription-key' `
         -luisEndpoint 'luis-endpoint' `
         -qnaSubscriptionKey 'qna-subscription-key'