This site is obsolete and should be used for reference only. The information in this documentation is not guaranteed to work for Bot Framework SDK versions past 4.9.1.

Tutorial: Create (csharp)

Create your Virtual Assistant project

  1. In Visual Studio, select File > New Project.
  2. Search for Virtual Assistant Template and select Next.
  3. Name your project and select Create.
  4. Build your project to restore the NuGet packages.

What files were created?

| - Adapters                             // BotAdapter implementations for configuring Middleware
    | - DefaultAdapter.cs                // Configures basic middleware
| - Authentication                       // Classes for configuring skill authentication
    | - AllowedCallersClaimsValidator.cs // Class for managing allowed skill authentication claims
| - Bots                                 // IBot implementations for initializing dialog stack
    | - DefaultActivityHandler.cs        // Initializes the dialog stack with a primary dialog (e.g. MainDialog)
| - Controllers                          // API Controllers
    | - BotController.cs                 // API Controller for api/messages endpoint
    | - SkillController.cs               // API Controller for api/skills endpoint. Skills will call into this endpoint after processing
| - Deployment                           // Files for deployment and provisioning
    | - Resources                        // Resources for deployment and provisioning
        | - LU                           // Files for deploying LUIS language models
            | -               // General language model (e.g. Cancel, Help, Escalate, etc.)
        | - QnA                          // Files for deploying QnA Maker knowledgebases
            | - Chitchat.qna             // Chitchat knowledgebase (e.g. Hi, How are you?, What's your name?, etc.)
            | - Faq.qna                  // FAQ knowledgebase
        | - template.json                // ARM Deployment template
        | - parameters.template.json     // ARM Deployment parameters file
    | - Scripts                          // PowerShell scripts for deployment and provisioning
        | - deploy.ps1                   // Deploys and provisions Azure resources and cognitive models
        | - deploy_cognitive_models.ps1  // Deploys and provisions cognitive models only
        | - update_cognitive_models.ps1  // Updates existing cognitive models
        | - luis_functions.ps1           // Functions used for deploying and updating LUIS models
        | - qna_functions.ps1            // Functions used for deploying and updating QnA Maker knowledgebases
        | - publish.ps1                  // Script to publish your Bot to Azure
| - Dialogs                              // Bot Framework Dialogs
    | - MainDialog.cs                    // Dialog for routing incoming messages
    | - OnboardingDialog.cs              // Dialog for collecting basic profile information from user
| - Models                               // Data models
    | - StateProperties.cs               // Constants for state property keys
    | - UserProfileState.cs              // Model for basic profile information
| - Pipeline                             // Files for setting up an deployment pipeline in Azure DevOps
    | - Assistant.yml                    // Sample build pipeline template for Azure DevOps
| - Responses                            // Classes and files for representing bot responses
    | - AllResponses.lg                  // Combined language generation templates
    | - MainResponses.lg                 // Language generation templates for Main Dialog responses
    | - OnboardingResponses.lg           // Language generation templates for Onboarding Dialog responses 
| - Services                             // Configuration for connected services and service clients
    | - BotServices.cs                   // Class representation of service clients and recognizers
    | - BotSettings.cs                   // Class representation of configuration files
    | - DispatchLuis.cs                  // Class representation of LUIS result from Dispatch language model
    | - GeneralLuis.cs                   // Class representation of LUIS result from General language model
| - TokenExchange                        // Classes for managing authentication configuration between assistant bot and connected skills
    | - ITokenExchangeConfig.cs          // Interface representing an authentication configuration
    | - TokenExchangeConfig.cs           // Implementation representing an authentication configuration
    | - TokenExchangeSkillHandler.cs     // Handler for managing single sign-on between assistant bot and configured skills
| - appsettings.json                     // Configuration for application and Azure services
| - cognitivemodels.json                 // Configuration for language models, knowledgebases, and dispatch model
| - Program.cs                           // Default Program.cs file
| - Startup.cs                           // Initializes dependencies