This site is obsolete and should be used for reference only. The information in this documentation is not guaranteed to work for Bot Framework SDK versions past 4.9.1.

Tutorial: Create (csharp)

Deploy your assistant

The Virtual Assistant requires the following Azure dependencies to run correctly:

  • Azure Web App
  • Azure Storage Account (Transcripts)
  • Azure Application Insights (Telemetry)
  • Azure CosmosDb (State)
  • Language Understanding
  • QnA Maker (including Azure Search, Azure Web App)

To deploy your Assistant using the Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template provided in the project template, follow these steps:

  1. Open PowerShell Core (pwsh.exe)
  2. Change to the project directory of your assistant.
  3. Run the following command to login to Azure:
     az login
  4. If you have multiple subscriptions on your Azure account, change the active subscription to the subscription you wish to deploy your Azure resources to.

  5. Run the following command to deploy your Azure resources using the default settings:

    Parameter Description Required?
    name The name for your Azure resources. Yes
    resourceGroup The name for your Azure resource group. Default value is the name parameter. No
    location The region for your Azure resource group and resources. Yes
    appId The application Id for your Microsoft App Registration. No
    appPassword The password for your Microsoft App Registration. If appId is provided this should be the password for your existing Microsoft App Registration. Otherwise, a new registration will be created using this password. Yes
    parametersFile Optional configuration file for ARM Template deployment. No
    createLuisAuthoring Indicates whether a new LUIS authoring resource should be created. If false, luisAuthoringKey and luisEndpoint parameters must be provided. Yes
    luisAuthoringKey The authoring key for the LUIS portal. Must be valid key for luisAuthoringRegion No
    luisAuthoringRegion The region to deploy LUIS apps. Yes
    armLuisAuthoringRegion The region to deploy LUIS authoring resource in Azure (only required for Azure Gov deployments) No
    luisEndpoint The LUIS endpoint for deploying and managing LUIS applications. Required if createLuisAuthoring is set to false. No
    useGov Flag indicating if the deployment is targeting the Azure Government Cloud. Defaults to false. No
    qnaEndpoint Endpoint for deploying QnA Maker knowledge bases (only required for Azure Gov deployments. See note below for more information.). No
    languages Specifies which languages to deploy cognitive models in a comma separated string (e.g. “en-us,de-de,es-es”). Defaults to “en-us”. No
    projDir Location to save appsettings.json and cognitivemodels.json configuration files. Defaults to current directory. No
    logFile Log file for any errors that occur during script execution. Defaults to Deployment folder No

You can find more detailed deployment steps including customization instructions in the Deployment Scripts reference.

For manual deployment steps, refer to the Deploy using CLI tools and Deploy using web tutorials.