This site is obsolete and should be used for reference only. The information in this documentation is not guaranteed to work for Bot Framework SDK versions past 4.9.1.

Tutorial: Create (typescript)

Create your Virtual Assistant project

  1. Execute the generator to create a TypeScript Virtual Assistant
     yo bot-virtualassistant

Generate the assistant using prompts

  • What's the name of your assistant? (sample-assistant)

    The name of your assistant (also used as your project’s name and for the root folder’s name)

  • What's the description of your assistant? ()

    The description of your assistant

  • Which languages will your assistant use? (by default takes all the languages)
    • Chinese (zh-cn)
    • Deutsch (de-de)
    • English (en-us)
    • French (fr-fr)
    • Italian (it-it)
    • Spanish (es-es)
  • Do you want to change the new assistant's location?

    A confirmation to change the destination for the generation

    • Where do you want to generate the assistant? (by default takes the path where you are running the generator)

      The destination path for the generation

  • Looking good. Shall I go ahead and create your new assistant?

    Final confirmation for creating the desired assistant

Generate the assistant using CLI parameters

| Option | Description | |——–|————-| | -n, –assistantName [name] | Unique name of new assistant (by default takes sample-assistant) | | -d, –assistantDesc [description] | Description of the new assistant (by default is empty) | | -l, –assistantLang [languages] | Languages for the new assistant. Possible values are de-de, en-us, es-es, fr-fr, it-it, zh-cn (by default takes all the languages) | | -p, –assistantGenerationPath [path] | Destination path for the new assistant (by default takes the path where you are runnning the generator) | | –noPrompt | Indicates to avoid the prompts |


yo bot-virtualassistant -n "Virtual Assistant" -d "A description for my new assistant" -l "en-us,es-es" -p "<ASSISTANT_GENERATION_PATH>" --noPrompt

You can check the summary taking into account the example:

Current values for the new assistant:
Name: virtual-assistant
Description: A description for my new assistant
Selected languages: en-us,es-es

What files were created?

| - deployment                               // Files for deployment and provisioning
    | - resources                            // Resources for deployment and provisioning
        | - LU                               // Files for deploying LUIS language models
            | -                   // General language model (e.g. Cancel, Help, Escalate, etc.)
        | - QnA                              // Files for deploying QnA Maker knowledgebases
            | - chitchat.qna                 // Chitchat knowledgebase (e.g. Hi, How are you?, What's your name?, etc.)
            | - faq.qna                      // FAQ knowledgebase
        | - template.json                    // ARM Deployment template
        | - parameters.template.json         // ARM Deployment parameters file
    | - scripts                              // PowerShell scripts for deployment and provisioning
        | - deploy.ps1                       // Deploys and provisions Azure resources and cognitive models
        | - deploy_cognitive_models.ps1      // Deploys and provisions cognitive models only
        | - update_cognitive_models.ps1      // Updates existing cognitive models
        | - luis_functions.ps1               // Functions used for deploying and updating LUIS models
        | - qna_functions.ps1                // Functions used for deploying and updating QnA Maker knowledgebases
        | - publish.ps1                      // Script to publish your Bot to Azure
| - pipeline                                 // Files for setting up an deployment pipeline in Azure DevOps
    | - sample-assistant.yml                 // Sample build pipeline template for Azure DevOps
| - src                                      // Folder which contains all the Virtual Assistant code before compilation
    | - adapters                             // BotAdapter implementations for configuring Middleware
        | - defaultAdapter.ts                // Configures basic middleware
    | - authentication                       // Classes for configuring skill authentication
        | - allowedCallersClaimsValidator.ts // Class for managing allowed skill authentication claims
    | - bots                                 // IBot implementations for initializing dialog stack
        | - defaultActivityHandler.ts        // Initializes the dialog stack with a primary dialog (e.g. mainDialog)
    | - dialogs                              // Bot Framework Dialogs
        | - mainDialog.ts                    // Dialog for routing incoming messages
        | - onboardingDialog.ts              // Dialog for collecting basic profile information from user
    | - models                               // Data models
        | - stateProperties.ts               // Constants for state property keys
        | - userProfileState.ts              // Model for basic profile information
    | - responses                            // Classes and files for representing bot responses
        | - AllResponses.lg                  // Combined language generation templates
        | - MainResponses.lg                 // Language generation templates for Main Dialog responses
        | - OnboardingResponses.lg           // Language generation templates for Onboarding Dialog responses 
    | - services                             // Configuration for connected services and service clients
        | - botServices.ts                   // Class representation of service clients and recognizers
        | - botSettings.ts                   // Class representation of configuration files
    | - appsettings.json                     // Configuration for application and Azure services
    | - cognitivemodels.json                 // Configuration for language models, knowledgebases, and dispatch model
    | - index.ts                             // Initializes dependencies