Task 01: Add on a trial of Power Platform
For those who are building a demo environment using CDX, you can start with a 90 day M365. Start by going to cdx.transform.microsoft.com and select My Environments. Click Create Tenant on the first option Microsoft M365 Enterprise demo content and accept the diaclaimer, wait for the provisioning. You will now see a new M365 tenant in My Environments. Open an In Private browser, sign in to Office.com with the new credentials and activate MFA. Consult your instructor if you need support.
- Stay in your In Private browser window. Open a new browser tab and enter:
Let’s use the Contoso(default) Power Platform environment by clicking on the link.
This will retain your M365 account Identity and carry it over to the Power Platform which is the foundation on which Copilot Studio is built.
This is also where Copilot Studio will store data associated with your Custom Copilot.
Click the link to Add Dataverse on the top left.
On the Add Dataverse screen turn on Deploy sample apps and data.
Wait until the green status bar indicates that your environment has been built. You will see a status of ready
This could take a few minutes
You can also create Flows and Actions that Copilot can leverage. You can even use Power Platform connectors as a way for our Copilots to access outside data from customer apps, document sources and their own databases.
Still using your In Private browser Window open a new brower tab and go to make.powerapps.com. Here you will be able to use your new enviroment, build Power Apps and inspect components of your Copilots.