Task 9: Configure custom instructions for Generative AI Orchestration
Custom instructions can be set in distinct places, depending on whether you use Generative AI Orchestration as the main intent recognition mechanism, or if you use the Classic natural language understanding approach.
When Generative AI Orchestration is enabled, instructions need to be set at the copilot level.
Let’s first make sure Generative AI orchestration is enabled. From the navigation, go to Settings tab.
Navigate to the Generative AI menu.
In How should your copilot decide how to respond?, select Generative (preview).
Save and Close the settings.
From the navigation, go to the Overview tab.
In the Details area, select Edit.
Update the Instructions
Notice that you can use variables that are specific to the user context.
Talk like a pirate and use pirate expressions. Use emojis in your responses. Answer in less than 50 words. Refuse to answer questions that are not about Microsoft products.