Task 04: Display the ServiceNow ticket information in an adaptive card
Go to your Check Ticket Status topic.
Delete the text message variable for your message.
Select Add, Adaptive Card.
Toggle from Edit JSON to Formula, so that you can make the adaptive card dynamic and author it in Power Fx language.
Paste the below Power Fx formula that already contains the references to the ServiceNow ticket information
If you struggle copying the below text, go to F:\LabFiles\Misc and open the ServiceNow Adaptive Card Power Fx.txt
{ type: "AdaptiveCard", version: "1.5", body: [ { type: "ColumnSet", columns: [ { type: "Column", width: "auto", items: [ { type: "Image", url: "https://www.servicenow.com/community/s/legacyfs/online/avatars_servicenow/1f66cb9fdb3ee3c0107d5583ca961942.jpg", size: "Small", style: "Person" } ] }, { type: "Column", width: "stretch", items: [ { type: "TextBlock", text: Topic.SNTicketInfoParsed.short_description, weight: "Bolder", size: "Large", wrap: true, color: "Attention", horizontalAlignment: "Left" } ], verticalContentAlignment: "Center", horizontalAlignment: "Center" } ] }, { type: "TextBlock", text: Topic.SNTicketInfoParsed.description, weight: "Lighter", wrap: true }, { type: "FactSet", facts: [ { title: "Number:", value: Topic.SNTicketInfoParsed.number }, { title: "State:", value: Topic.SNTicketInfoParsed.state }, { title: "Priority:", value: Topic.SNTicketInfoParsed.priority }, { title: "Impact:", value: Topic.SNTicketInfoParsed.impact }, { title: "Urgency:", value: Topic.SNTicketInfoParsed.urgency }, { title: "Category:", value: Topic.SNTicketInfoParsed.category }, { title: "Subcategory:", value: Topic.SNTicketInfoParsed.subcategory }, { title: "Caller ID:", value: Topic.SNTicketInfoParsed.caller_id }, { title: "Opened By:", value: Topic.SNTicketInfoParsed.opened_by }, { title: "Opened At:", value: Topic.SNTicketInfoParsed.opened_at } ], spacing: "Small" }, { type: "TextBlock", text: "Comments and notes:", weight: "Bolder", size: "Medium", wrap: true }, { type: "TextBlock", text: Topic.SNTicketInfoParsed.comments_and_work_notes, wrap: true, size: "Small" } ], actions: [ { type: "Action.OpenUrl", title: "Update Ticket", url: "https://dev204932.service-now.com/nav_to.do?uri=incident.do?sys_id=" & Topic.SNTicketInfoParsed.sys_id & "%26sysparm_view=ess" } ], '$schema': "http://adaptivecards.io/schemas/adaptive-card.json" }
Test your copilot.
Enter the following prompt:
What's the latest on ticket INC0007001, please?
Thank you for completing Exercise 3 ‘Build and call Power Automate cloud flows from your copilot’. You have successfully:
• Created a new Power Automate cloud flow
• Called the Power Automate cloud flow into your topic
• Set input and output variables
• Displayed dynamic data back to the user in Copilot Studio