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Create your Power Automate cloud flow

  1. Click on the (+) new node button under the Question node, and select Call an action and then click Create a flow underneath Basic actions as shown in the screenshot below. A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

  2. This will open Power Automate in a new browser window and includes the scaffolding pre and post actions for a new Power Automate cloud flow to interact with Copilot Studio, as shown in the screenshot below: A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

    Pro tip: Make sure the New designer is enabled in Power Automate, in the top right corner

  3. Click on the When Copilot Studio calls a flow trigger, in the left-hand pane click Add an input. A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

  4. Add an input of type Text, and call it TicketNumber. Image

  5. Click Add an action in between the trigger and the action you just added. A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

    In the next steps, if the ServiceNow environment isn’t active and if the connection cannot be properly established – this is typically the case if the Record Type doesn’t return a list with Incident as an option in step #8 – then skip to step #11.

  6. Search for ServiceNow List Records in the search bar and select List Records. A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

  7. Create a connection for ServiceNow. Name the connection to something unique, for example: @lab.User.FirstName @lab.User.LastName ServiceNow.

    • Set the Instance to

    • Set the Username to CopilotStudioServiceAccount

    • Set the Password to: yz>OyYOz^>LXmg+b%5A)R9dFonXfK&roI70@usD.-&pQMttjJGxjZ5sD^5]_&AXHLiEl^Wwa>.+[6i+e,h+XLz-nbZT,oG>6>?(<

  8. Then select Create New. A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

  9. Now for Record Type, select Incident (you can search to make it easier to find Incident in the list).

    • Select Show all in Advanced parameters.

    • Set the Display System References to Yes to show actual values.

    • Leave the Exclude Reference Links to Yes.

    • In Query, type numberCONTAINS and select the TicketNumber input from the dynamic content (⚡icon).

      Ensure there are no spaces between numberCONTAINS and the variable you reference. Alternatively, you can also paste the below in the Query field:


  10. Set Limit to 1. A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

  11. Click on the Return value(s) to Power Virtual Agents action in the cloud flow and add an output of type Text and call it SNTicketInfo.

  12. For the output value, use the formula button 𝒇𝓍 in order to get a string version of the first returned record of the result array from the List Records body.

  13. Enter the following formula, and select Add.

    string(first(outputs(‘List_Records’)?[‘body/result’])) A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated A screen shot of a computer Description automatically generated

  14. Optional step (if ServiceNow isn’t working): for the output value, paste a the below hardcoded payload.

    This represents an example of what ServiceNow would typically return.

    If you struggle copying the below text, go to F:\LabFiles\Misc and open the ServiceNow Sample JSON Payload.txt

        "parent": "",
        "made_sla": "true",
        "caused_by": "",
        "watch_list": "",
        "upon_reject": "Cancel all future Tasks",
        "sys_updated_on": "2018-12-12 23:18:55",
        "child_incidents": "0",
        "hold_reason": "",
        "origin_table": "",
        "task_effective_number": "INC0009005",
        "approval_history": "",
        "number": "INC0009005",
        "resolved_by": "",
        "sys_updated_by": "admin",
        "opened_by": "System Administrator",
        "user_input": "",
        "sys_created_on": "2018-08-31 21:35:45",
        "sys_domain": "global",
        "state": "New",
        "route_reason": "",
        "sys_created_by": "admin",
        "knowledge": "false",
        "order": "",
        "calendar_stc": "",
        "closed_at": "",
        "cmdb_ci": "",
        "delivery_plan": "",
        "contract": "",
        "impact": "1 - High",
        "active": "true",
        "work_notes_list": "",
        "business_service": "",
        "business_impact": "",
        "priority": "1 - Critical",
        "sys_domain_path": "/",
        "rfc": "",
        "time_worked": "",
        "expected_start": "",
        "opened_at": "2018-08-31 21:35:21",
        "business_duration": "",
        "group_list": "",
        "work_end": "",
        "caller_id": "David Miller",
        "reopened_time": "",
        "resolved_at": "",
        "approval_set": "",
        "subcategory": "Email",
        "work_notes": "2018-12-12 23:18:42 - System Administrator (Work notes)\nupdated the priority to high based on the criticality of the Incident.\n\n",
        "universal_request": "",
        "short_description": "Email server is down.",
        "correlation_display": "",
        "delivery_task": "",
        "work_start": "",
        "assignment_group": "",
        "additional_assignee_list": "",
        "business_stc": "",
        "cause": "",
        "description": "Unable to send or receive emails.",
        "origin_id": "",
        "calendar_duration": "",
        "close_notes": "",
        "notify": "Do Not Notify",
        "service_offering": "",
        "sys_class_name": "Incident",
        "closed_by": "",
        "follow_up": "",
        "parent_incident": "",
        "sys_id": "ed92e8d173d023002728660c4cf6a7bc",
        "reopened_by": "",
        "incident_state": "New",
        "urgency": "1 - High",
        "problem_id": "",
        "company": "",
        "reassignment_count": "0",
        "activity_due": "2018-12-13 01:18:55",
        "assigned_to": "",
        "severity": "3 - Low",
        "comments": "",
        "approval": "Not Yet Requested",
        "sla_due": "UNKNOWN",
        "comments_and_work_notes": "2018-12-12 23:18:42 - System Administrator (Work notes)\nupdated the priority to high based on the criticality of the Incident.\n\n",
        "due_date": "",
        "sys_mod_count": "3",
        "reopen_count": "0",
        "sys_tags": "",
        "escalation": "Normal",
        "upon_approval": "Proceed to Next Task",
        "correlation_id": "",
        "location": "",
        "category": "Software"
  15. The cloud flow is almost complete. It needs to be renamed before we move on to best practices, so it is easily found in Copilot Studio and by administrators.

  16. Click the template title as shown in the screenshot below and rename it to Get Ticket Status {YourUserName}.

  17. Click Publish and wait a moment until you see the green banner as shown in the screenshot below.

    Pro tip: If you don’t see the Publish button, select Save.

    A screenshot of a computer Description automatically generated

We have completed our work in Power Automate. Now let’s switch back to Copilot Studio.