Test your copilot
To show the Test copilot pane, in the top-right corner of the screen, select Test.
The Test copilot pane shows that a message has already been sent to you from the copilot. This message was sent from the Conversation Start topic, which begins automatically.
At the Ask a question or describe what you need prompt, at the bottom of the Test copilot pane, enter Hello and then select the Send button.
- The Copilot will offer a greeting in the Test Copilot pane.
Sometimes the sample topics might not be included in your environment. If this happens, the stores lookup functionality will not work as expected.
In the Test copilot pane, enter stores near me as the message and then select the Send button.
One of the prebuilt topics (Lesson 2 - A simple topic with a condition and variable) will be triggered in the copilot, and it will ask you what location you’re interested in.
In the test chat, select the store location that you want. The copilot will respond with specific information based on your selection.

- Now that you've reviewed an existing topic, you can move on to the next task to create a new topic.
Pro tips: Click on a message in the test pane to get redirected to the exact topic and node it was used in. When in a topic, you can access the variables values (e.g., the selected store location) in the Variables menu. Within this menu, the Test tab displays the current value at run time.