Enum TrackedHandJoint
The supported tracked hand joints.
Namespace: Microsoft.MixedReality.Toolkit.Utilities
Assembly: cs.temp.dll.dll
public enum TrackedHandJoint
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Interphalangeal_joints_of_the_hand#/media/File:Scheme_human_hand_bones-en.svg for joint name definitions.
Name | Description |
IndexDistalJoint | The joint nearest the tip of the index finger. |
IndexKnuckle | The knuckle joint of the index finger. |
IndexMetacarpal | The lowest joint of the index finger. |
IndexMiddleJoint | The middle joint of the index finger. |
IndexTip | The tip of the index finger. |
MiddleDistalJoint | The joint nearest the tip of the finger. |
MiddleKnuckle | The knuckle joint of the middle finger. |
MiddleMetacarpal | The lowest joint of the middle finger. |
MiddleMiddleJoint | The middle joint of the middle finger. |
MiddleTip | The tip of the middle finger. |
None | |
Palm | The palm. |
PinkyDistalJoint | The joint nearest the tip of the pink finger. |
PinkyKnuckle | The knuckle joint of the pinky finger. |
PinkyMetacarpal | The lowest joint of the pinky finger. |
PinkyMiddleJoint | The middle joint of the pinky finger. |
PinkyTip | The tip of the pinky. |
RingDistalJoint | The joint nearest the tip of the ring finger. |
RingKnuckle | The knuckle of the ring finger. |
RingMetacarpal | The lowest joint of the ring finger. |
RingMiddleJoint | The middle joint of the ring finger. |
RingTip | The tip of the ring finger. |
ThumbDistalJoint | The thumb's first (furthest) joint. |
ThumbMetacarpalJoint | The lowest joint in the thumb (down in your palm). |
ThumbProximalJoint | The thumb's second (middle-ish) joint. |
ThumbTip | The tip of the thumb. |
Wrist | The wrist. |