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# How to log request/response payload in Application Insights for APIs frontend by API Management

# Need for debugging/troubleshooting request/response payloads

When fronting your APIs with an Azure API Management Gateway (opens new window) there is often a need to debug/troubleshoot issues by analysing the request or response payload. In such a scenario we use Application Insights (opens new window) to log and inspect the request/response payloads. To avoid performance issues at API Management level, the configuration to inspect payloads is not enabled by default.

# Prerequisites

If you want to follow along, you'll need the following:

# Steps

  1. Go to the Azure portal (opens new window) and navigate to the API Management resource
  2. Under Settings >> select API
  3. Select the sample API from the right pane
  4. Click the 'Settings' tab
  5. Scroll down to Diagnostics Logs
  6. Under Application Insights tab, tick the checkbox Enable
  7. Select the AppInsights resource under Destination dropdown
  8. Default sampling 100%
  9. Verbosity Information
  10. Correlation protocol W3C
  11. Under Additional settings click Advanced Options
  12. Tick to enable Frontend Request and Frontend Response
  13. Use these settings for Frontend Request and Frontend Response
    • Under Headers to log add the value X-Forwarded-For
    • Under Number of payload bytes to log (up to 8192) specify a value upto 8192 bytes
  14. Hit save
  15. Navigate to the application insights resource and open the 'Live Metrics' feature under Investigate.
  16. Once the metrics have been initialized, open Postman and trigger the POST operation for the API with a sample payload. You should see a spike in the 'request rate' graph
  17. Wait for a few minutes, under Application Insights>>Monitoring>>Logs run the following query
| where url == "http://apimanagementurl/apiname/resource"
| where timestamp >= ago(1h)
| order by timestamp desc

  1. In the results grid, expand the result row, expand the customDimensions node and then expand the Request-Body node.

Thanks to Todd Foust (opens new window) for sharing the header value.