# Configure the Azure CLI to set Output Defaults and more

In my last tip, I covered using the --output Table parameter to customize the results from the Azure CLI. You can also set it as a default amongst other thing. Simply run az configure and you'll see the following :

Your settings can be found at /home/mbcrump/.azure/config
Your current configuration is as follows:

name = AzureCloud

first_run = yes
output = table
collect_telemetry = yes

enable_log_file = no

Do you wish to change your settings? (y/N):

If you press Y, then you'll get an option to change the default output as shown below:

What default output format would you like?
 [1] json - JSON formatted output that most closely matches API responses
 [2] jsonc - Colored JSON formatted output that most closely matches API responses
 [3] table - Human-readable output format
 [4] tsv - Tab and Newline delimited, great for GREP, AWK, etc.

If you make a selection, then you'll see an option to add file logging:

Would you like to enable logging to file?

And finally an option to opt into data collection:

Microsoft would like to collect anonymous Azure CLI usage data to improve our CLI.  Participation is voluntary and when you choose to participate, your device automatically sends information to Microsoft about how you use Azure CLI.  To update your choice, run "az configure" again.
Select y to enable data collection. (Y/n):

Here is a sample of setting the configuration and running a command: