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PECOFF Image Validation - Post Build pe Image Validation Plugin

This tool will validate all pe images against a set of tests and their associated requirements as defined below. A configuration file is used to describe different profiles, and their associated requirements. A configuration file path is provided via the command line as PE_VALIDATION_PATH=<PATH> or can be configured in the the within the SetPlatformEnv() method using self.env.SetValue("PE_VALIDATION_PATH", <PATH>, "Platform Hardcoded"). A profile is equivalent to the file types defined in the platform's fdf. All profiles must be defined, forcing the developer to acklowedge each, however requirements for each profile do not need to be specified... If one or more requirement does not exist, the "DEFAULT" profile requirements will be used. The developer can have default requirements via the "DEFAULT" profile then override those requirements in other profiles. An example of a full config file can be seen at the bootom of the readme.

Common Errors

Profile type is invalid. Exiting...

PROFILE_NAME is not specified in the configuration file, but is defined in the platform's fdf. The profile needs to be added to the configuration file, even if the requirements are the same as the DEFAULT requirements. This was a design choice to ensure the platform is not accidently passing due to falling back to the DEFAULT profile if a profile is missing.

Test specific failures

See the below Tests section for test specific failures.


Section Data / Code Separation Verification

  • Description: This test ensures that each section of the binary is not both write-able and execute-able. Sections can only be one or the other (or neither). This test is done by iterating over each section and checking the characteristics label for the Write Mask (0x80000000) and Execute Mask (0x20000000).

  • JSON File Requirements: "DATA_CODE_SEPARATION": <True or False>

  • Output:

  • @Success: Only one (or neither) of the two masks (Write, Execute) are present
  • @Fail : Both the Write and Execute flags are present

  • Possible Solution: Update the failed section's characteristics to ensure it is either Write-able or Read-able, but not both.

Section Alignment Verification

  • Description: Checks the section alignment value found in the optional header. This value must meet the requirements specified in the config file.

  • JSON File Requirements: An array of dictionaries that contain a Comparison and a value for the particular MachineType and FV file type. See the below example. Can optionally describe an Alignment logic separator when doing multiple comparisons.

        "COMPARISON" : "==",
        "VALUE"      : 64
        "COMPARISON" : "==",
        "VALUE"      : 32
  • Output:
  • @Success: Image alignment passes all requirements specified in the config file
  • @Warn : Image alignment value is not found in the optional header, or the value is set to 0
  • @Fail : Image alignment does not meet the requirements specified in the config file

  • Possible Solution: Update the section alignment of the binary to match the requirements specified in the config file.

Target Subsystem Type Verification

  • Description: Checks the subsystem value by accessing the optional header, then subsystem value. This value must match the subsystem described in the config file.

  • JSON File Requirements: An updated list of allowed subsystems, using the offical name. See the below example.

  • Output:
  • @Success: Subsystem type found in the optional header matches the subsystem type described in the config file
  • @Warn : Subsystem type is not found in the optional header
  • @Fail : Subsystem type found in the optional header does not match the subsystem type described in the config file

  • Possible Solution: Verify which of the two subsystem type's is incorrect. If it is the subsystem type found in the config file, update the config file. If it is the subsystem type found in the binary, update the machine type in the source code and re-compile.


    "BASE" : {
        "ALIGNMENT" : [
                "COMPARISON" : ">=",
                "VALUE"      : 4096   
                "COMPARISON" : "!=",
                "VALUE"      : 65536
    "SEC" : {
        "ALIGNMENT" : []

Writing your own tests

If a developer wishes to write their own test, they must implement the interface described in the Test Interface class:

class TestInterface:
    def name(self):
        """Returns the name of the test"""
        raise NotImplementedError("Must Override Test Interface")

    def execute(self, parser, config_data):
        """Executes the test"""
        raise NotImplementedError("Must Override Test Interface")

The parser is the parsed pe file that you are testing. Documentation on how to use the parser can be found by looking up the documentation for the pefile module. The config_data provided to the test will is the filtered data from the config file based upon the compilation target and profile. As an example, looking at the above json file, if a pe that is being validated is of type IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM64 and profile BASE, the config_data provided will be:

        "COMPARISON" : ">=",
        "VALUE"      : 4096   
        "COMPARISON" : "!=",
        "VALUE"      : 65536

The developer also has the ability to provide additional requirements other then ALIGNMENT, and those requirements will also be provided to the test as seen in the below example:

        "COMPARISON" : ">=",
        "VALUE"      : 4096   
        "COMPARISON" : "!=",
        "VALUE"      : 65536
"OTHER_REQUIREMENT2" : {"Req1" : 1, "Req2" : 2}

For the test to be executed, provide the test to the test manager using add_test(test) or add_tests(tests) functions

Config File Example

The config file is used to describe all requirements for the scanned pe file. The configuration data provided to each test is provided to the test by first locating the Compilation Target, then by the optional profile parameter. If no profile parameter is provided, "DEFAULT" is used. The current allowed settings are as follows:

Top Level Settings


This defines a dictionary between the build name using by stuart and the actual Image File Machine Constant name found at

TARGET_ARCH : {"<Build Name>" : "<Image File Machine Constant>"}


This defines a list of all pe file names that this tool should not execute on.

"IGNORE_LIST" : ["efi1", "efi2", "etc"]


This will be any number of supported Image File Machine Constants that are supported by the build system. This will not be a list (using [ ]), rather a comma separated list of all machine constants.

"IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_XXX1" : {"<Profiles>"},
"IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_XXX2" : {"<Profiles>"},

Machine Level Settings


This will be any number of supported profiles for the particular Image File Machine Constant. This will not be a list (using [ ]), rather a comma separated list of all machine constants.

"Profile1" : {"<Settings>"},
"Profile2" : {"<Settings>"}

Profile Level Settings


This setting controls if data code separation (cannot be both write and execute) are required for this profile.



This setting allows the developer to specify the type of subsystem the efi should be for a particular profile. Subystems are defined at

"ALLOWED_SUBSYSTEMS": ["subsystem1", "subsystem2", "etc"]


This setting allows the developer to specify memory alignment requirements for a particular profile as a list of requirements.

        "COMPARISON" : "<Comparison Operator>",
        "VALUE" : <Value>
        "COMPARISON" : "<Comparison Operator>",
        "VALUE" : <Value>


This setting is only used if the alignment requirements specify multiple requirements. It is used to specify how the multiple requirements interact.

"ALIGNMENT_LOGIC_SEP" : "<Logical Operator>"

Full Configuration File Example

    "TARGET_ARCH" : {
        "X64"     : "IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_AMD64",
        "IA32"    : "IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_I386",
        "ARM"     : "IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARM"
    "IGNORE_LIST" : ["Shell.efi"],
        "DEFAULT" : {
            "DATA_CODE_SEPARATION": true,
            "ALIGNMENT_LOGIC_SEP": "OR",
            "ALIGNMENT" : [
                    "COMPARISON" : "==",
                    "VALUE"      : 64
                    "COMPARISON" : "==",
                    "VALUE"      : 32
        "APPLICATION" : {
            "ALIGNMENT" : [
                    "COMPARISON" : "==",
                    "VALUE"      : 64
        "UEFI_APPLICATION" : {
            "ALIGNMENT" : [
                    "COMPARISON" : "==",
                    "VALUE"      : 32
        "DEFAULT" : {
            "DATA_CODE_SEPARATION": true,
            "ALIGNMENT" : [
                    "COMPARISON" : ">=",
                    "VALUE"      : 4096
        "APPLICATION" : {