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FrameBufferMemDrawLib is a wrapper around FrameBufferBltLib. This offers some nice benefits as the FrameBufferBltLib offers a nice abstractions of manipulating the frame buffer while it's in memory. This is most useful in situations where the full display protocol might not be up yet. FrameBufferMemDrawLib tries to simplify using the FrameBufferBltLib by gathering the information about the display, the pixel format, and getting the handles needed to manipulate the frame buffer. This is done through a constructor and a destructor.

Methods offered


This is meant to take a buffer that is formatted with 32bit pixels in the standard RGB+reserved format. It takes in the top left corner of the position on the screen where the buffer should be drawn. It also takes in the number of rows and columns of the buffer.


This fills in a region with a solid color. This color is the standard 32 bit format referenced in the previous method. This functions takes in the top left corner of the position on the screen where the color should be filled. It also takes in the number of rows and columns that the color should fill out to.