Returns a heatmapped table by default, with options to return a table.

  hrvar = "Organization",
  mingroup = 5,
  metrics = c("Workweek_span", "Collaboration_hours",
    "After_hours_collaboration_hours", "Meetings", "Meeting_hours",
    "After_hours_meeting_hours", "Low_quality_meeting_hours",
    "Meeting_hours_with_manager_1_on_1", "Meeting_hours_with_manager", "Emails_sent",
    "Email_hours", "After_hours_email_hours", "Generated_workload_email_hours",
    "Total_focus_hours", "Internal_network_size", "Networking_outside_organization",
    "External_network_size", "Networking_outside_company"),
  return = "plot",
  low = rgb2hex(7, 111, 161),
  mid = rgb2hex(241, 204, 158),
  high = rgb2hex(216, 24, 42),
  textsize = 2



A Standard Person Query dataset in the form of a data frame.


String containing the name of the HR Variable by which to split metrics. Defaults to "Organization". To run the analysis on the total instead of splitting by an HR attribute, supply NULL (without quotes).


Numeric value setting the privacy threshold / minimum group size. Defaults to 5.


A character vector containing the variable names to calculate averages of.


Character vector specifying what to return, defaults to "plot". Valid inputs are "plot" and "table".


String specifying colour code to use for low-value metrics. Arguments are passed directly to ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient2().


String specifying colour code to use for mid-value metrics. Arguments are passed directly to ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient2().


String specifying colour code to use for high-value metrics. Arguments are passed directly to ggplot2::scale_fill_gradient2().


A numeric value specifying the text size to show in the plot.


Returns a ggplot object by default, when 'plot' is passed in return. When 'table' is passed, a summary table is returned as a data frame.


# Heatmap plot is returned by default

# Heatmap plot with custom colours
keymetrics_scan(sq_data, low = "purple", high = "yellow")

# Return summary table
keymetrics_scan(sq_data, hrvar = "LevelDesignation", return = "table")
#> # A tibble: 19 × 7
#>    variable                      Direc…¹ Execu…² Junio…³ Manager Senio…⁴ Support
#>    <fct>                           <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
#>  1 Workweek_span                 43.7     43.4    41.8    42.9    42.8    41.1  
#>  2 Collaboration_hours           18.9     19.0    19.6    21.5    20.1    18.8  
#>  3 After_hours_collaboration_ho…  3.07     2.87    2.90    3.17    2.95    2.71 
#>  4 Meetings                      10.1     12.1    10.8    12.1    11.1    10.4  
#>  5 Meeting_hours                  9.22    10.6     9.89   10.9    10.2     9.47 
#>  6 After_hours_meeting_hours      1.20     1.23    1.38    1.51    1.40    1.24 
#>  7 Low_quality_meeting_hours      7.57     7.69    7.82    7.16    8.15    6.28 
#>  8 Meeting_hours_with_manager_1…  0.184    0.202   0.278   0.262   0.307   0.274
#>  9 Meeting_hours_with_manager     0.255    0.25    6.54    3.85    6.74    6.21 
#> 10 Emails_sent                   52.3     46.3    42.9    46.6    43.3    41.8  
#> 11 Email_hours                    9.70     8.36    9.73   10.7     9.94    9.37 
#> 12 After_hours_email_hours        1.86     1.64    1.53    1.66    1.56    1.47 
#> 13 Generated_workload_email_hou…  9.24     8.07    9.38   10.4     9.58    8.99 
#> 14 Total_focus_hours             30.5     28.0    30.0    28.6    29.4    30.3  
#> 15 Internal_network_size          4.71     7.45   49.5    64.3    50.6    46.9  
#> 16 Networking_outside_organizat…  0.0158   0.295   4.48    5.41    4.62    4.27 
#> 17 External_network_size          7.20     5.36    5.79    5.83    5.82    5.19 
#> 18 Networking_outside_company     3.56     2.62    3.18    3.17    3.26    2.81 
#> 19 Employee_Count                68        6     105     333     103     419    
#> # … with abbreviated variable names ¹​Director, ²​Executive, ³​`Junior IC`,
#> #   ⁴​`Senior IC`