Returns two side-by-side scatter plots representing two selected metrics, using colour to map an HR attribute and size to represent number of employees. Returns a faceted scatter plot by default, with additional options to return a summary table.

  hrvar = "Organization",
  metric_x = "Multitasking_meeting_hours",
  metric_y = "Meeting_hours",
  before_start = min(as.Date(data$Date, "%m/%d/%Y")),
  after_start = as.Date(before_end) + 1,
  after_end = max(as.Date(data$Date, "%m/%d/%Y")),
  before_label = "Period 1",
  after_label = "Period 2",
  mingroup = 5,
  return = "plot"



A Standard Person Query dataset in the form of a data frame.


HR Variable by which to split metrics. Accepts a character vector, defaults to "Organization" but accepts any character vector, e.g. "LevelDesignation"


Character string containing the name of the metric, e.g. "Collaboration_hours"


Character string containing the name of the metric, e.g. "Collaboration_hours"


Start date of "before" time period in YYYY-MM-DD


End date of "before" time period in YYYY-MM-DD


Start date of "after" time period in YYYY-MM-DD


End date of "after" time period in YYYY-MM-DD


String to specify a label for the "before" period. Defaults to "Period 1".


String to specify a label for the "after" period. Defaults to "Period 2".


Numeric value setting the privacy threshold / minimum group size. Defaults to 5.


Character vector specifying what to return, defaults to "plot". Valid inputs are "plot" and "table".


Returns a 'ggplot' object showing two scatter plots side by side representing the two periods.


This is a general purpose function that powers all the functions in the package that produce faceted scatter plots.

See also

Other Visualization: afterhours_dist(), afterhours_fizz(), afterhours_line(), afterhours_rank(), afterhours_summary(), afterhours_trend(), collaboration_area(), collaboration_dist(), collaboration_fizz(), collaboration_line(), collaboration_rank(), collaboration_sum(), collaboration_trend(), create_bar_asis(), create_bar(), create_boxplot(), create_bubble(), create_dist(), create_fizz(), create_inc(), create_line_asis(), create_line(), create_rank(), create_sankey(), create_scatter(), create_stacked(), create_tracking(), create_trend(), email_dist(), email_fizz(), email_line(), email_rank(), email_summary(), email_trend(), external_dist(), external_fizz(), external_line(), external_network_plot(), external_rank(), external_sum(), hr_trend(), hrvar_count(), hrvar_trend(), internal_network_plot(), keymetrics_scan(), meeting_dist(), meeting_fizz(), meeting_line(), meeting_quality(), meeting_rank(), meeting_summary(), meeting_trend(), meetingtype_dist_ca(), meetingtype_dist_mt(), meetingtype_dist(), meetingtype_summary(), mgrcoatt_dist(), mgrrel_matrix(), one2one_dist(), one2one_fizz(), one2one_freq(), one2one_line(), one2one_rank(), one2one_sum(), one2one_trend(), period_change(), workloads_dist(), workloads_fizz(), workloads_line(), workloads_rank(), workloads_summary(), workloads_trend(), workpatterns_area(), workpatterns_rank()

Other Flexible: create_bar_asis(), create_bar(), create_boxplot(), create_bubble(), create_density(), create_dist(), create_fizz(), create_hist(), create_inc(), create_line_asis(), create_line(), create_rank(), create_sankey(), create_scatter(), create_stacked(), create_tracking(), create_trend(), period_change()

Other Time-series: IV_by_period(), create_line_asis(), create_line(), create_trend(), period_change()


# Return plot
                      hrvar = "LevelDesignation",
                      before_start = "2019-11-03",
                      before_end = "2019-12-31",
                      after_start = "2020-01-01",
                      after_end = "2020-01-26")
#> Warning: `guides(<scale> = FALSE)` is deprecated. Please use `guides(<scale> = "none")` instead.

# Return a summary table
create_period_scatter(sq_data, before_end = "2019-12-31", return = "table")
#> Warning: `guides(<scale> = FALSE)` is deprecated. Please use `guides(<scale> = "none")` instead.
#> # A tibble: 30 × 5
#>    group              Multitasking_meeting_hours Meeting_hours Period       n
#>    <chr>                                   <dbl>         <dbl> <chr>    <int>
#>  1 Biz Dev                                 0.257          6.82 Period 1    75
#>  2 Customer Service                        0.436          8.60 Period 1    61
#>  3 Facilities                              0.484          9.08 Period 1    72
#>  4 Finance-Corporate                       0.310          8.19 Period 1    68
#>  5 Finance-East                            0.789         11.4  Period 1    70
#>  6 Finance-South                           0.617          8.91 Period 1    81
#>  7 Finance-West                            0.765         10.5  Period 1    73
#>  8 Financial Planning                      0.372          8.24 Period 1    75
#>  9 G&A Central                             0.572          9.03 Period 1    57
#> 10 G&A East                                0.329          7.70 Period 1    65
#> # … with 20 more rows