This page was generated from docs/examples/DataSet/import-data-from-legacy-dat-files.ipynb. Interactive online version: .
Importing data from legacy .dat filesΒΆ
This notebook shows you how you can import data from a legacy dataset generated with the old
dataset. These are typically generated with qcodes.loops.Loop
or qcodes.measure.Measure
%matplotlib inline
from pathlib import Path
from qcodes.dataset import (
Logging hadn't been started.
Activating auto-logging. Current session state plus future input saved.
Filename : /home/runner/.qcodes/logs/command_history.log
Mode : append
Output logging : True
Raw input log : False
Timestamping : True
State : active
Qcodes Logfile : /home/runner/.qcodes/logs/250113-19362-qcodes.log
# in case it was not there already
initialise_or_create_database_at(Path.cwd() / "import_data.db")
# put the old data in a new experiment
exp = load_or_create_experiment("old_data_loading", sample_name="no_sample")
location2d = "./data_2018_01_17/data_002_2D_test_15_43_14"
location1d = "./data_2018_01_17/data_001_testsweep_15_42_57"
run_ids = import_dat_file(location1d, exp=exp)
axs, cbaxs = plot_by_id(run_ids[0])
Starting experimental run with id: 1.
run_ids = import_dat_file(location2d, exp=exp)
axs, cbaxs = plot_by_id(run_ids[0])
Starting experimental run with id: 2.
[ ]: