Weinschel Drivers


Weinschel8320(name, address, **kwargs)

QCodes driver for the Weinschel 8320 stepped attenuator.

class qcodes.instrument_drivers.weinschel.Weinschel8320(name: str, address: str, **kwargs: Unpack[VisaInstrumentKWArgs])[source]

Bases: VisaInstrument

QCodes driver for the Weinschel 8320 stepped attenuator.

Weinschel is formerly known as Aeroflex/Weinschel



The default terminator to use if the terminator is not specified when creating the instrument.


Control the attenuation

default_terminator: str | None = '\r'

The default terminator to use if the terminator is not specified when creating the instrument. None means use the default terminator from PyVisa.

attenuation = Parameter( "attenuation", unit="dB", set_cmd="ATTN ALL {0:0=2d}", get_cmd="ATTN? 1", vals=vals.Enum(*np.arange(0, 60.1, 2).tolist()), instrument=self, get_parser=float, )

Control the attenuation

visabackend: str = visabackend
visa_handle: pyvisa.resources.MessageBasedResource = visa_handle

The VISA resource used by this instrument.

visalib: str | None = visalib
parameters: dict[str, ParameterBase] = {}

All the parameters supported by this instrument. Usually populated via add_parameter().

functions: dict[str, Function] = {}

All the functions supported by this instrument. Usually populated via add_function().

submodules: dict[str, InstrumentModule | ChannelTuple] = {}

All the submodules of this instrument such as channel lists or logical groupings of parameters. Usually populated via add_submodule().

instrument_modules: dict[str, InstrumentModule] = {}

All the InstrumentModule of this instrument Usually populated via add_submodule().

log: InstrumentLoggerAdapter = get_instrument_logger(self, __name__)
metadata: dict[str, Any] = {}