Source code for qcodes.dataset.descriptions.param_spec

from __future__ import annotations

from copy import deepcopy
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar

from typing_extensions import TypedDict

    from import Sequence

class ParamSpecBaseDict(TypedDict):
    name: str
    paramtype: str
    label: str | None
    unit: str | None

class ParamSpecDict(ParamSpecBaseDict):
    inferred_from: list[str]
    depends_on: list[str]

class ParamSpecBase:
    allowed_types: ClassVar[list[str]] = ["array", "numeric", "text", "complex"]

    def __init__(
        name: str,
        paramtype: str,
        label: str | None = None,
        unit: str | None = None,
            name: name of the parameter
            paramtype: type of the parameter, i.e. the SQL storage class
            label: label of the parameter
            unit: The unit of the parameter

        if not isinstance(paramtype, str):
            raise ValueError('Paramtype must be a string.')
        if paramtype.lower() not in self.allowed_types:
            raise ValueError("Illegal paramtype. Must be on of "
        if not name.isidentifier():
            raise ValueError(f'Invalid name: {name}. Only valid python '
                             'identifier names are allowed (no spaces or '
                             'punctuation marks, no prepended '
                             'numbers, etc.)') = name
        self.type = paramtype.lower()
        self.label = label or ''
        self.unit = unit or ''

        self._hash: int = self._compute_hash()

    def _compute_hash(self) -> int:
        This method should only be called by __init__
        attrs = ['name', 'type', 'label', 'unit']
        # First, get the hash of the tuple with all the relevant attributes
        all_attr_tuple_hash = hash(
            tuple(getattr(self, attr) for attr in attrs)
        hash_value = all_attr_tuple_hash

        # Then, XOR it with the individual hashes of all relevant attributes
        for attr in attrs:
            hash_value = hash_value ^ hash(getattr(self, attr))

        return hash_value

    def sql_repr(self) -> str:
        return f"{} {self.type}"

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return (f"ParamSpecBase('{}', '{self.type}', '{self.label}', "

    def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
        if not isinstance(other, ParamSpecBase):
            return False
        attrs = ['name', 'type', 'label', 'unit']
        for attr in attrs:
            if getattr(self, attr) != getattr(other, attr):
                return False
        return True

    def __hash__(self) -> int:
        Allow ParamSpecBases in data structures that use hashing (e.g. sets)
        return self._hash

    def _to_dict(self) -> ParamSpecBaseDict:
        Write the ParamSpec as a dictionary
        output = ParamSpecBaseDict(,
        return output

    def _from_dict(cls, ser: ParamSpecBaseDict) -> ParamSpecBase:
        Create a ParamSpec instance of the current version
        from a dictionary representation of ParamSpec of some version

        The version changes must be implemented as a series of transformations
        of the representation dict.

        return ParamSpecBase(name=ser['name'],

[docs] class ParamSpec(ParamSpecBase): def __init__( self, name: str, paramtype: str, label: str | None = None, unit: str | None = None, inferred_from: Sequence[ParamSpec | str] | None = None, depends_on: Sequence[ParamSpec | str] | None = None, **metadata: Any, ) -> None: """ Args: name: name of the parameter paramtype: type of the parameter, i.e. the SQL storage class label: label of the parameter unit: unit of the parameter inferred_from: the parameters that this parameter is inferred from depends_on: the parameters that this parameter depends on **metadata: additional metadata to be stored with the parameter """ super().__init__(name, paramtype, label, unit) self._inferred_from: list[str] = [] self._depends_on: list[str] = [] inferred_from = [] if inferred_from is None else inferred_from depends_on = [] if depends_on is None else depends_on if isinstance(inferred_from, str): raise ValueError(f"ParamSpec {} got " f"string {inferred_from} as inferred_from. " f"It needs a " f"Sequence of ParamSpecs or strings") self._inferred_from.extend( if isinstance(p, ParamSpec) else p for p in inferred_from) if isinstance(depends_on, str): raise ValueError(f"ParamSpec {} got " f"string {depends_on} as depends_on. It needs a " f"Sequence of ParamSpecs or strings") self._depends_on.extend( if isinstance(p, ParamSpec) else p for p in depends_on) if metadata: self.metadata = metadata @property def inferred_from_(self) -> list[str]: return deepcopy(self._inferred_from) @property def depends_on_(self) -> list[str]: return deepcopy(self._depends_on) @property def inferred_from(self) -> str: return ', '.join(self._inferred_from) @property def depends_on(self) -> str: return ', '.join(self._depends_on)
[docs] def copy(self) -> ParamSpec: """ Make a copy of self """ return ParamSpec(, self.type, self.label, self.unit, deepcopy(self._inferred_from), deepcopy(self._depends_on))
def __repr__(self) -> str: return (f"ParamSpec('{}', '{self.type}', '{self.label}', " f"'{self.unit}', inferred_from={self._inferred_from}, " f"depends_on={self._depends_on})") def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, ParamSpec): return False string_attrs = ['name', 'type', 'label', 'unit'] list_attrs = ['_inferred_from', '_depends_on'] for string_attr in string_attrs: if getattr(self, string_attr) != getattr(other, string_attr): return False for list_attr in list_attrs: ours = getattr(self, list_attr) theirs = getattr(other, list_attr) if ours != theirs: return False return True
[docs] def __hash__(self) -> int: """Allow ParamSpecs in data structures that use hashing (i.e. sets)""" attrs_with_strings = ['name', 'type', 'label', 'unit'] attrs_with_lists = ['_inferred_from', '_depends_on'] # First, get the hash of the tuple with all the relevant attributes all_attr_tuple_hash = hash( tuple(getattr(self, attr) for attr in attrs_with_strings) + tuple(tuple(getattr(self, attr)) for attr in attrs_with_lists) ) hash_value = all_attr_tuple_hash # Then, XOR it with the individual hashes of all relevant attributes for attr in attrs_with_strings: hash_value = hash_value ^ hash(getattr(self, attr)) for attr in attrs_with_lists: hash_value = hash_value ^ hash(tuple(getattr(self, attr))) return hash_value
def _to_dict(self) -> ParamSpecDict: """ Write the ParamSpec as a dictionary """ basedict = super()._to_dict() output = ParamSpecDict(name=basedict['name'], paramtype=basedict['paramtype'], label=basedict['label'], unit=basedict['unit'], inferred_from=self._inferred_from, depends_on=self._depends_on) return output
[docs] def base_version(self) -> ParamSpecBase: """ Return a ParamSpecBase object with the same name, paramtype, label and unit as this ParamSpec """ return ParamSpecBase(, paramtype=self.type, label=self.label, unit=self.unit)
@classmethod def _from_dict(cls, ser: ParamSpecDict) -> ParamSpec: # type: ignore[override] """ Create a ParamSpec instance of the current version from a dictionary representation of ParamSpec of some version The version changes must be implemented as a series of transformations of the representation dict. """ return ParamSpec(name=ser['name'], paramtype=ser['paramtype'], label=ser['label'], unit=ser['unit'], inferred_from=ser['inferred_from'], depends_on=ser['depends_on'])