This module provides means of connecting to a QCoDeS database file and
initialising it. Note that connecting/initialisation take into account
database version and possibly perform database upgrades.
from __future__ import annotations
import io
import math
import sqlite3
import sys
from contextlib import contextmanager
from os.path import expanduser, normpath
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Literal
import numpy as np
import qcodes
from qcodes.dataset.experiment_settings import reset_default_experiment_id
from qcodes.dataset.sqlite.connection import ConnectionPlus
from qcodes.dataset.sqlite.db_upgrades import (
from qcodes.dataset.sqlite.db_upgrades.version import get_user_version
from qcodes.dataset.sqlite.initial_schema import init_db
from qcodes.utils.types import complex_types, numpy_floats, numpy_ints
from collections.abc import Iterator
from pathlib import Path
JournalMode = Literal["DELETE", "TRUNCATE", "PERSIST", "MEMORY", "WAL", "OFF"]
# utility function to allow sqlite/numpy type
def _adapt_array(arr: np.ndarray) -> sqlite3.Binary:
See this:
out = io.BytesIO()
# Directly use np.lib.format.write_array instead of np.save, force version to be
# 3.0 (when reading, version 1.0 and 2.0 can result in a slow clean up step to
# ensure backward compatibility with python 2) and disable pickle (slow and
# insecure)
np.lib.format.write_array(out, arr, version=(3, 0), allow_pickle=False)
return sqlite3.Binary(out.read())
def _convert_array(text: bytes) -> np.ndarray:
# Using np.lib.format.read_array (counterpart of np.lib.format.write_array)
# npy format version 3.0 is 3 times faster than previous verions (no clean up step
# for python 2 backward compatibility)
return np.lib.format.read_array(io.BytesIO(text), allow_pickle=False)
def _convert_complex(text: bytes) -> np.complexfloating:
out = io.BytesIO(text)
return np.load(out)[0]
this_session_default_encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding()
def _convert_numeric(value: bytes) -> float | int | str:
This is a converter for sqlite3 'numeric' type class.
This converter is capable of deducting whether a number is a float or an
Note sqlite3 allows to save data to columns even if their type is not
compatible with the table type class (for example, it is possible to save
integers into 'text' columns). Due to this fact, and for the reasons of
flexibility, the numeric converter is also made capable of handling
strings. An obvious exception to this is 'nan' (case insensitive) which
gets converted to `np.nan`. Another exception to this is 'inf', which
gets converted to 'np.inf'.
# First, try to convert bytes to float
numeric = float(value)
except ValueError:
# Let string casting fail if bytes encoding is invalid
return str(value, encoding=this_session_default_encoding)
# If that worked, e.g. did not raise an exception, then we check if the outcome is
# either an infinity or a NaN
# For a single value, math.isfinite is 10 times faster than np.isinfinite (or
# combining np.isnan and np.isinf)
if not math.isfinite(numeric):
return numeric
# If it is not 'nan' and not 'inf', then we need to see if the value is really an
# integer or with floating point digits
numeric_int = int(numeric)
if numeric != numeric_int:
return numeric
return numeric_int
def _adapt_float(fl: float) -> float | str:
# For a single value, math.isnan is 10 times faster than np.isnan
# Overall, saving floats with numeric format is 2 times faster with math.isnan
if math.isnan(fl):
return "nan"
return float(fl)
def _adapt_complex(value: complex | np.complexfloating) -> sqlite3.Binary:
out = io.BytesIO()
np.save(out, np.array([value]))
return sqlite3.Binary(out.read())
def connect(name: str | Path, debug: bool = False, version: int = -1) -> ConnectionPlus:
Connect or create database. If debug the queries will be echoed back.
This function takes care of registering the numpy/sqlite type
converters that we need.
name: name or path to the sqlite file
debug: should tracing be turned on.
version: which version to create. We count from 0. -1 means 'latest'.
Should always be left at -1 except when testing.
connection object to the database (note, it is
:class:`ConnectionPlus`, not :class:`sqlite3.Connection`)
# register numpy->binary(TEXT) adapter
sqlite3.register_adapter(np.ndarray, _adapt_array)
# register binary(TEXT) -> numpy converter
sqlite3.register_converter("array", _convert_array)
sqlite3_conn = sqlite3.connect(
name, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES, check_same_thread=True
conn = ConnectionPlus(sqlite3_conn)
latest_supported_version = _latest_available_version()
db_version = get_user_version(conn)
if db_version > latest_supported_version:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Database {name} is version {db_version} but this "
f"version of QCoDeS supports up to "
f"version {latest_supported_version}"
# Make sure numpy ints and floats types are inserted properly
for numpy_int in numpy_ints:
sqlite3.register_adapter(numpy_int, int)
sqlite3.register_converter("numeric", _convert_numeric)
for numpy_float in (float,) + numpy_floats:
sqlite3.register_adapter(numpy_float, _adapt_float)
for complex_type in complex_types:
# https://github.com/python/typeshed/issues/2429
sqlite3.register_adapter(complex_type, _adapt_complex) # type: ignore[arg-type]
sqlite3.register_converter("complex", _convert_complex)
if debug:
perform_db_upgrade(conn, version=version)
return conn
def get_db_version_and_newest_available_version(
path_to_db: str | Path,
) -> tuple[int, int]:
Connect to a DB without performing any upgrades and get the version of
that database file along with the newest available version (the one that
a normal "connect" will automatically upgrade to)
path_to_db: the absolute path to the DB file
A tuple of (db_version, latest_available_version)
conn = connect(path_to_db, version=0)
db_version = get_user_version(conn)
return db_version, _latest_available_version()
def get_DB_location() -> str:
return normpath(expanduser(qcodes.config["core"]["db_location"]))
def get_DB_debug() -> bool:
return bool(qcodes.config["core"]["db_debug"])
def initialise_database(journal_mode: JournalMode | None = "WAL") -> None:
Initialise a database in the location specified by the config object
and set ``atomic commit and rollback mode`` of the db. The db is created
with the latest supported version. If the database already exists the
``atomic commit and rollback mode`` is set and the database is upgraded
to the latest version.
journal_mode: Which `journal_mode` should be used for atomic commit and rollback.
Options are DELETE, TRUNCATE, PERSIST, MEMORY, WAL and OFF. If set to None
no changes are made.
# calling connect performs all the needed actions to create and upgrade
# the db to the latest version.
conn = connect(get_DB_location(), get_DB_debug())
if journal_mode is not None:
set_journal_mode(conn, journal_mode)
del conn
def set_journal_mode(conn: ConnectionPlus, journal_mode: JournalMode) -> None:
Set the ``atomic commit and rollback mode`` of the sqlite database.
See https://www.sqlite.org/pragma.html#pragma_journal_mode for details.
conn: Connection to the database.
journal_mode: Which `journal_mode` should be used for atomic commit and rollback.
valid_journal_modes = ["DELETE", "TRUNCATE", "PERSIST", "MEMORY", "WAL", "OFF"]
if journal_mode not in valid_journal_modes:
raise RuntimeError(
f"Invalid journal_mode {journal_mode} "
f"Valid modes are {valid_journal_modes}"
query = f"PRAGMA journal_mode={journal_mode};"
cursor = conn.cursor()
def initialise_or_create_database_at(
db_file_with_abs_path: str | Path, journal_mode: JournalMode | None = "WAL"
) -> None:
This function sets up QCoDeS to refer to the given database file. If the
database file does not exist, it will be initiated.
db_file_with_abs_path: Database file name with absolute path, for example
journal_mode: Which `journal_mode` should be used for atomic commit and rollback.
Options are DELETE, TRUNCATE, PERSIST, MEMORY, WAL and OFF. If set to None
no changes are made.
qcodes.config.core.db_location = str(db_file_with_abs_path)
def initialised_database_at(db_file_with_abs_path: str | Path) -> Iterator[None]:
Initializes or creates a database and restores the 'db_location' afterwards.
db_file_with_abs_path: Database file name with absolute path, for example
db_location = qcodes.config["core"]["db_location"]
qcodes.config["core"]["db_location"] = db_location
def conn_from_dbpath_or_conn(
conn: ConnectionPlus | None, path_to_db: str | Path | None
) -> ConnectionPlus:
A small helper function to abstract the logic needed for functions
that take either a `ConnectionPlus` or the path to a db file.
If neither is given this will fall back to the default db location.
It is an error to supply both.
conn: A ConnectionPlus object pointing to a sqlite database
path_to_db: The path to a db file.
A `ConnectionPlus` object
if path_to_db is not None and conn is not None:
raise ValueError(
"Received BOTH conn and path_to_db. Please "
"provide only one or the other."
if conn is None and path_to_db is None:
path_to_db = get_DB_location()
if conn is None and path_to_db is not None:
conn = connect(path_to_db, get_DB_debug())
elif conn is not None:
# this should be impossible but left here to keep mypy happy.
raise RuntimeError("Could not obtain a connection from supplied information.")
return conn