Source code for qcodes.dataset.sqlite.settings

This module takes care of the SQLite settings.

from __future__ import annotations

import sqlite3

def _read_settings() -> tuple[dict[str, str | int], dict[str, bool | int | str]]:
    Function to read the local SQLite settings at import time.

    We mainly care about the SQLite limits, since these play a role
    when committing large amounts of data to the DB, but we record
    everything for good measures.

        Two dictionaries, one with the limits, one with all other settings.
        If a setting has a value, that value is provided. Else a boolean
        indicating wether SQLite was compiled with that option. A missing
        option, say, 'FOOBAR' is equivalent to {'FOOBAR': False}.
    # For the limits, there are known default values
    # (known from
    DEFAULT_LIMITS: dict[str, str | int]
        "MAX_ATTACHED": 10,
        "MAX_COLUMN": 2000,
        "MAX_COMPOUND_SELECT": 500,
        "MAX_EXPR_DEPTH": 1000,
        "MAX_FUNCTION_ARG": 100,
        "MAX_LENGTH": 1_000_000_000,
        "MAX_LIKE_PATTERN_LENGTH": 50_000,
        "MAX_PAGE_COUNT": 1_073_741_823,
        "MAX_SQL_LENGTH": 1_000_000,
        "MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER": 999,

    conn = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
    c = conn.cursor()
    opt_num = 0
    resp = ""

    limits: dict[str, str | int]
    limits = DEFAULT_LIMITS.copy()
    settings = {}

    c.execute(f"select sqlite_compileoption_get({opt_num});")
    resp = c.fetchone()[0]

    # SQLite only responds back what options have been changed from
    # the default, so we can't know a priori how many responses we'll get
    while resp is not None:
        opt_num += 1
        lst = resp.split("=")
        val: str | int | None
        if len(lst) == 2:
            (param, val_str) = lst
            if val_str.isnumeric():
                val = int(val_str)
                val = val_str
            param = lst[0]
            val = None

        if param in DEFAULT_LIMITS.keys():
            # we are only expecting
            # None val for a setting
            assert val is not None
            limits.update({param: val})
        elif val:
            settings.update({param: val})
            settings.update({param: True})

        c.execute(f"select sqlite_compileoption_get({opt_num});")
        resp = c.fetchone()[0]

    c.execute("select sqlite_version();")
    resp = c.fetchone()[0]
    settings.update({"VERSION": resp})


    return (limits, settings)

[docs] class SQLiteSettings: """ Class that holds the machine's sqlite options. Note that the settings are not dynamically updated, so changes during runtime must be updated manually. But you probably should not be changing these settings dynamically in the first place. """ limits, settings = _read_settings()