Source code for qcodes.extensions._driver_test_case

from __future__ import annotations

import unittest
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    from qcodes.instrument import Instrument

This module defines:

- `DriverTestCase`: a `TestCase` subclass meant for testing instrument drivers

Using `DriverTestCase` is pretty easy:

- Inherit from this class instead of from the base `unittest.TestCase`

- Provide a driver class variable that points to the Instrument class

- In your tests, `self.instrument` is the latest instance of this class.

- If your test case includes a `setUpClass` method, make sure to call
  `super().setUpClass()`, because that's where we find the latest instance of
  this `Instrument`, or skip the test case if no instances are found.

[docs] class DriverTestCase(unittest.TestCase): # override this in a subclass driver: type[Instrument] | None = None instrument: Instrument
[docs] @classmethod def setUpClass(cls) -> None: if cls is DriverTestCase: return if cls.driver is None: raise TypeError("you must set a driver for " + cls.__name__) instances = cls.driver.instances() name = cls.driver.__name__ if not instances: msg = f"no instances of {name} found" if getattr(cls, "noskip", False): # just to test this class, we need to disallow skipping raise ValueError(msg) else: raise unittest.SkipTest(msg) if len(instances) == 1: print(f"***** found one {name}, testing *****") else: print( f"***** found {len(instances)} instances of {name}; " "testing the last one *****" ) cls.instrument = instances[-1]