Source code for qcodes.instrument_drivers.AlazarTech.ATS_acquisition_controllers

import math
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

import numpy as np

from .ATS import AcquisitionController

    from qcodes.parameters import Parameter

# DFT AcquisitionController
[docs] class DemodulationAcquisitionController(AcquisitionController[float]): """ This class represents an example acquisition controller. End users will probably want to use something more sophisticated. It will average all buffers and then perform a fourier transform on the resulting average trace for one frequency component. The amplitude of the result of channel_a will be returned. Args: name: name for this acquisition_conroller as an instrument alazar_name: the name of the alazar instrument such that this controller can communicate with the Alazar demodulation_frequency: the selected component for the fourier transform **kwargs: kwargs are forwarded to the Instrument base class """ def __init__( self, name: str, alazar_name: str, demodulation_frequency: float, **kwargs: Any): self.demodulation_frequency = demodulation_frequency self.acquisitionkwargs: dict[str, Any] = {} self.samples_per_record = 0 self.records_per_buffer = 0 self.buffers_per_acquisition = 0 self.number_of_channels = 2 self.cos_list: np.ndarray | None = None self.sin_list: np.ndarray | None = None self.buffer: np.ndarray | None = None # make a call to the parent class and by extension, create the parameter # structure of this class super().__init__(name, alazar_name, **kwargs) self.acquisition: Parameter = self.add_parameter( "acquisition", get_cmd=self.do_acquisition ) """Parameter acquisition"""
[docs] def update_acquisitionkwargs(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """ This method must be used to update the kwargs used for the acquisition with the alazar_driver.acquire :param kwargs: :return: """ self.acquisitionkwargs.update(**kwargs)
[docs] def do_acquisition(self) -> float: """ this method performs an acquisition, which is the get_cmd for the acquisiion parameter of this instrument :return: """ value: float = self._get_alazar().acquire(acquisition_controller=self, **self.acquisitionkwargs) return value
[docs] def pre_start_capture(self) -> None: """ See AcquisitionController """ alazar = self._get_alazar() self.samples_per_record = alazar.samples_per_record.get() self.records_per_buffer = alazar.records_per_buffer.get() self.buffers_per_acquisition = alazar.buffers_per_acquisition.get() sample_speed = alazar.get_sample_rate() integer_list = np.arange(self.samples_per_record) angle_list = (2 * np.pi * self.demodulation_frequency / sample_speed * integer_list) self.cos_list = np.cos(angle_list) self.sin_list = np.sin(angle_list) self.buffer = np.zeros(self.samples_per_record * self.records_per_buffer * self.number_of_channels)
[docs] def pre_acquire(self) -> None: """ See AcquisitionController :return: """ # this could be used to start an Arbitrary Waveform Generator, etc... # using this method ensures that the contents are executed AFTER the # Alazar card starts listening for a trigger pulse pass
[docs] def handle_buffer( self, buffer: np.ndarray, buffer_number: int | None = None ) -> None: """ See AcquisitionController :return: """ assert self.buffer is not None self.buffer += buffer
[docs] def post_acquire(self) -> float: """ See AcquisitionController :return: """ assert self.buffer is not None alazar = self._get_alazar() # average all records in a buffer records_per_acquisition = (1. * self.buffers_per_acquisition * self.records_per_buffer) recordA = np.zeros(self.samples_per_record) for i in range(self.records_per_buffer): i0 = i * self.samples_per_record i1 = i0 + self.samples_per_record recordA += self.buffer[i0:i1] / records_per_acquisition recordB = np.zeros(self.samples_per_record) for i in range(self.records_per_buffer): i0 = i * self.samples_per_record + len(self.buffer) // 2 i1 = i0 + self.samples_per_record recordB += self.buffer[i0:i1] / records_per_acquisition if self.number_of_channels == 2: # fit channel A and channel B res1 = #return [alazar.signal_to_volt(1, res1[0] + 127.5), # alazar.signal_to_volt(2, res2[0] + 127.5), # res1[1], res2[1], # (r es1[1] - res2[1]) % 360] return alazar.signal_to_volt(1, res1[0] + 127.5) else: raise Exception("Could not find CHANNEL_B during data extraction")
[docs] def fit(self, buf: np.ndarray) -> tuple[float, float]: """ the DFT is implemented in this method :param buf: buffer to perform the transform on :return: return amplitude and phase of the resulted transform """ # Discrete Fourier Transform assert self.cos_list is not None assert self.sin_list is not None RePart = - 127.5, self.cos_list) / self.samples_per_record ImPart = - 127.5, self.sin_list) / self.samples_per_record # the factor of 2 in the amplitude is due to the fact that there is # a negative frequency as well ampl = 2 * np.sqrt(RePart ** 2 + ImPart ** 2) # see manual page 52!!! (using unsigned data) return ampl, math.atan2(ImPart, RePart) * 360 / (2 * math.pi)
class Demodulation_AcquisitionController(DemodulationAcquisitionController): """ Alias for backwards compatibility. Will eventually be deprecated and removed """ pass