Source code for qcodes.instrument_drivers.Keithley.Keithley_s46

Driver for the Keithley S46 RF switch
import re
from itertools import product
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Optional

from qcodes.instrument import Instrument, VisaInstrument
from qcodes.parameters import Parameter, ParamRawDataType

[docs] class KeithleyS46LockAcquisitionError(Exception): pass
[docs] class KeithleyS46RelayLock: """ The S46 either has six pole or a four pole relays. For example, channels 'A1' to 'A6' are all on relay 'A'. However, channels 'R1' to 'R8' are all on individual relays. Only one channel per relay may be closed at any given time to prevent degradation of RF performance and even switch damage. See page 2-11 of the manual. To enforce this, a lock mechanism has been implemented. """ def __init__(self, relay_name: str): self.relay_name = relay_name self._locked_by: Optional[int] = None
[docs] def acquire(self, channel_number: int) -> None: """ Request a lock acquisition """ if self._locked_by is not None and self._locked_by != channel_number: raise KeithleyS46LockAcquisitionError( f"Relay {self.relay_name} is already in use by channel " f"{self._locked_by}" ) else: self._locked_by = channel_number
[docs] def release(self, channel_number: int) -> None: """ Release a lock. """ if self._locked_by == channel_number: self._locked_by = None
class S46Parameter(Parameter): """ A parameter class for S46 channels. We do not use the QCoDeS InstrumentChannel class because our channel has one state parameter, which can either be "open" or "close". Args: name instrument channel_number lock: Acquire the lock when closing and release when opening """ def __init__( self, name: str, instrument: Optional[Instrument], channel_number: int, lock: KeithleyS46RelayLock, **kwargs: Any, ): super().__init__(name, instrument, **kwargs) self._lock = lock self._channel_number = channel_number if self._get(get_cached=True) == "close": try: self._lock.acquire(self._channel_number) except KeithleyS46LockAcquisitionError as e: raise RuntimeError( "The driver is initialized from an undesirable instrument " "state where more then one channel on a single relay is " "closed. It is advised to power cycle the instrument. " "Refusing to initialize driver!" ) from e def _get(self, get_cached: bool) -> str: assert isinstance(self.instrument, KeithleyS46) closed_channels = self.instrument.closed_channels.get_latest() if not get_cached or closed_channels is None: closed_channels = self.instrument.closed_channels.get() return "close" if in closed_channels else "open" def get_raw(self) -> ParamRawDataType: return self._get(get_cached=False) def set_raw(self, value: ParamRawDataType) -> None: if value == "close": self._lock.acquire(self._channel_number) elif value == "open": self._lock.release(self._channel_number) if self.instrument is None: raise RuntimeError( "Cannot set the value on a parameter " "that is not attached to an instrument." ) self.instrument.write(f":{value} (@{self._channel_number})") def is_closed(self) -> bool: """ Returns: True if channels is closed, False otherwise. """ return self.get() == "close" @property def channel_number(self) -> int: return self._channel_number
[docs] class KeithleyS46(VisaInstrument): relay_names: list[str] = ["A", "B", "C", "D"] + [f"R{j}" for j in range(1, 9)] # Make a dictionary where keys are channel aliases (e.g. 'A1', 'B3', etc) # and values are corresponding channel numbers. channel_numbers: ClassVar[dict[str, int]] = { f"{a}{b}": count + 1 for count, (a, b) in enumerate(product(["A", "B", "C", "D"], range(1, 7))) } channel_numbers.update({f"R{i}": i + 24 for i in range(1, 9)}) # Make a reverse dict for efficient alias lookup given a channel number aliases: ClassVar[dict[int, str]] = {v: k for k, v in channel_numbers.items()} def __init__(self, name: str, address: str, **kwargs: Any): super().__init__(name, address, terminator="\n", **kwargs) try: self.add_parameter( "closed_channels", get_cmd=":CLOS?", get_parser=self._get_closed_channels_parser, ) self._available_channels: list[str] = [] for relay_name, channel_count in zip( KeithleyS46.relay_names, self.relay_layout ): relay_lock = KeithleyS46RelayLock(relay_name) for channel_index in range(1, channel_count + 1): # E.g. For channel 'B2', channel_index is 2 if channel_count > 1: alias = f"{relay_name}{channel_index}" else: alias = relay_name # For channels R1 to R8, we have one # channel per relay. Channel alias = relay name self.add_parameter( alias, channel_number=KeithleyS46.channel_numbers[alias], lock=relay_lock, parameter_class=S46Parameter, ) self._available_channels.append(alias) except RuntimeError as err: # If we error on undesirable state we want to make sure # we also close the visa connection self.close() raise err @staticmethod def _get_closed_channels_parser(reply: str) -> list[str]: """ The SCPI command ":CLOS ?" returns a reply in the form "(@1,9)", if channels 1 and 9 are closed. Return a list of strings, representing the aliases of the closed channels """ closed_channels_str = re.findall(r"\d+", reply) return [KeithleyS46.aliases[int(i)] for i in closed_channels_str]
[docs] def open_all_channels(self) -> None: for channel_name in self.closed_channels(): self.parameters[channel_name].set("open")
@property def relay_layout(self) -> list[int]: """ The relay layout tells us how many channels we have per relay. Note that we can have zero channels per relay. """ return [int(i) for i in self.ask(":CONF:CPOL?").split(",")] @property def available_channels(self) -> list[str]: return self._available_channels