Source code for qcodes.instrument_drivers.Minicircuits._minicircuits_usb_spdt

import os
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

# QCoDeS imports
from qcodes.instrument_drivers.Minicircuits.Base_SPDT import (

    from typing_extensions import Unpack

    from qcodes.instrument import InstrumentBaseKWArgs

    import clr  # pyright: ignore[reportMissingTypeStubs,reportMissingImports]
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError(
        """Module clr not found. Please obtain it by
                         running 'pip install pythonnet'
                         in a qcodes environment terminal"""

[docs] class MiniCircuitsUsbSPDTSwitchChannel(MiniCircuitsSPDTSwitchChannelBase): def _set_switch(self, switch: int) -> None: self._parent.switch.Set_Switch(self.channel_letter, switch - 1) def _get_switch(self) -> int: status = self._parent.switch.GetSwitchesStatus(self._parent.address)[1] return int(f"{status:04b}"[-1 - self.channel_number]) + 1
[docs] class MiniCircuitsUsbSPDT(MiniCircuitsSPDTBase): CHANNEL_CLASS = MiniCircuitsUsbSPDTSwitchChannel PATH_TO_DRIVER = r"mcl_RF_Switch_Controller64" PATH_TO_DRIVER_45 = r"mcl_RF_Switch_Controller_NET45" def __init__( self, name: str, driver_path: str | None = None, serial_number: str | None = None, **kwargs: "Unpack[InstrumentBaseKWArgs]", ): """ Mini-Circuits SPDT RF switch Args: name: the name of the instrument driver_path: path to the dll serial_number: the serial number of the device (printed on the sticker on the back side, without s/n) kwargs: kwargs to be passed to Instrument class. """ # import .net exception so we can catch it below # we keep this import local so that the module can be imported # without a working .net install clr.AddReference("System.IO") from System.IO import ( # pyright: ignore[reportMissingImports] FileNotFoundException, ) super().__init__(name, **kwargs) if != "nt": raise ImportError("""This driver only works in Windows.""") try: if driver_path is None: try: clr.AddReference(self.PATH_TO_DRIVER) except FileNotFoundError: clr.AddReference(self.PATH_TO_DRIVER_45) else: clr.AddReference(driver_path) except (ImportError, FileNotFoundException): raise ImportError( """Load of mcl_RF_Switch_Controller64.dll or mcl_RF_Switch_Controller_NET45.dll not possible. Make sure the dll file is not blocked by Windows. To unblock right-click the dll to open properties and check the 'unblock' checkmark in the bottom. Check that your python installation is 64bit.""" ) try: import mcl_RF_Switch_Controller64 as mw_driver # pyright: ignore[reportMissingImports] except ImportError: import mcl_RF_Switch_Controller_NET45 as mw_driver # pyright: ignore[reportMissingImports] self.switch = mw_driver.USB_RF_SwitchBox() if not self.switch.Connect(serial_number): raise RuntimeError("Could not connect to device") self.address = self.switch.Get_Address() self.serial_number = self.switch.Read_SN("")[1] self.connect_message() self.add_channels()
[docs] def get_idn(self) -> dict[str, str | None]: # the arguments in those functions is the serial number or none if # there is only one switch. fw = self.switch.GetFirmware() MN = self.switch.Read_ModelName("")[1] SN = self.switch.Read_SN("")[1] id_dict = {"firmware": fw, "model": MN, "serial": SN, "vendor": "Mini-Circuits"} return id_dict