Source code for qcodes.parameters.group_parameter

This module implements a :class:`.Group` intended to hold multiple
parameters that are to be gotten and set by the same command. The parameters
should be of type :class:`GroupParameter`
from __future__ import annotations

from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

from .parameter import Parameter

    from import Callable, Mapping, Sequence

    from qcodes.instrument.base import InstrumentBase

    from .parameter_base import ParamDataType, ParamRawDataType

[docs] class GroupParameter(Parameter): """ Group parameter is a :class:`.Parameter`, whose value can be set or get only with other group parameters. This happens when an instrument has commands which set and get more than one parameter per call. The ``set_raw`` method of a group parameter forwards the call to the group, and the group then makes sure that the values of other parameters within the group are left unchanged. The ``get_raw`` method of a group parameter also forwards the call to the group, and the group makes sure that the command output is parsed correctly, and the value of the parameter of interest is returned. After initialization, the group parameters need to be added to a group. See :class:`.Group` for more information. Args: name: Name of the parameter. instrument: Instrument that this parameter belongs to; this instrument is used by the group to call its get and set commands. initial_value: Initial value of the parameter. Note that either none or all of the parameters in a :class:`.Group` should have an initial value. **kwargs: All kwargs used by the :class:`.Parameter` class, except ``set_cmd`` and ``get_cmd``. """ def __init__( self, name: str, instrument: InstrumentBase | None = None, initial_value: float | int | str | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: if "set_cmd" in kwargs or "get_cmd" in kwargs: raise ValueError( "A GroupParameter does not use 'set_cmd' or 'get_cmd' kwarg" ) self._group: Group | None = None self._initial_value = initial_value super().__init__(name, instrument=instrument, **kwargs) @property def group(self) -> Group | None: """ The group that this parameter belongs to. """ return self._group
[docs] def get_raw(self) -> ParamRawDataType: if is None: raise RuntimeError("Trying to get Group value but no group defined") return self.cache.raw_value
[docs] def set_raw(self, value: ParamRawDataType) -> None: if is None: raise RuntimeError("Trying to set Group value but no group defined"), value)
[docs] class Group: """ The group combines :class:`.GroupParameter` s that are to be gotten or set via the same command. The command has to be a string, for example, a VISA command. The :class:`Group`'s methods are used within :class:`GroupParameter` in order to properly implement setting and getting of a single parameter in the situation where one command sets or gets more than one parameter. The command used for setting values of parameters has to be a format string which contains the names of the parameters the group has been initialized with. For example, if a command has syntax ``CMD a_value, b_value``, where ``a_value`` and ``b_value`` are values of two parameters with names ``a`` and ``b``, then the command string has to be ``CMD {a}, {b}``, and the group has to be initialized with two ``GroupParameter`` s ``a_param`` and ``b_param``, where ``"a"`` and ``"b"``. **Note** that by default, it is assumed that the command used for getting values returns a comma-separated list of values of parameters, and their order corresponds to the order of :class:`.GroupParameter` s in the list that is passed to the :class:`Group`'s constructor. Through keyword arguments of the :class:`Group`'s constructor, it is possible to change the separator, and even the parser of the output of the get command. The get and set commands are called via the instrument that the first parameter belongs to. It is assumed that all the parameters within the group belong to the same instrument. Example: :: class InstrumentWithGroupParameters(VisaInstrument): def __init__(self, name, address, **kwargs): super().__init__(name, address, **kwargs) ... # Here is how group of group parameters is defined for # a simple case of an example "SGP" command that sets and gets # values of "enabled" and "gain" parameters (it is assumed that # "SGP?" returns the parameter values as comma-separated list # "enabled_value,gain_value") self.add_parameter('enabled', label='Enabled', val_mapping={True: 1, False: 0}, parameter_class=GroupParameter) self.add_parameter('gain', label='Some gain value', get_parser=float, parameter_class=GroupParameter) self.output_group = Group([self.enabled, self.gain], set_cmd='SGP {enabled}, {gain}', get_cmd='SGP?') ... Args: parameters: a list of :class:`.GroupParameter` instances which have to be gotten and set via the same command; the order of parameters in the list should correspond to the order of the values returned by the ``get_cmd``. set_cmd: Format string of the command that is used for setting the values of the parameters; for example, ``CMD {a}, {b}``. get_cmd: String of the command that is used for getting the values of the parameters; for example, ``CMD?``. separator: A separator that is used when parsing the output of the ``get_cmd`` in order to obtain the values of the parameters; it is ignored in case a custom ``get_parser`` is used. get_parser: A callable with a single string argument that is used to parse the output of the ``get_cmd``; the callable has to return a dictionary where parameter names are keys, and the values are the values (as directly obtained from the output of the get command; note that parsers within the parameters will take care of individual parsing of their values). single_instrument: A flag to indicate that all parameters belong to a single instrument, which in turn does additional checks. Defaults to True. """ def __init__( self, parameters: Sequence[GroupParameter], set_cmd: str | None = None, get_cmd: str | None = None, get_parser: Callable[[str], Mapping[str, Any]] | None = None, separator: str = ",", single_instrument: bool = True, ) -> None: self._parameters = OrderedDict((, p) for p in parameters) for p in parameters: p._group = self if single_instrument: if len({p.root_instrument for p in parameters}) > 1: raise ValueError("All parameters should belong to the same instrument") self._instrument = parameters[0].root_instrument self._set_cmd = set_cmd self._get_cmd = get_cmd if get_parser: self.get_parser = get_parser else: self.get_parser = self._separator_parser(separator) if single_instrument: self._check_initial_values(parameters) def _check_initial_values(self, parameters: Sequence[GroupParameter]) -> None: have_initial_values = [p._initial_value is not None for p in parameters] if any(have_initial_values): if not all(have_initial_values): params_with_initial_values = [ for p in parameters if p._initial_value is not None ] params_without_initial_values = [ for p in parameters if p._initial_value is None ] error_msg = ( f"Either none or all of the parameters in a " f"group should have an initial value. Found " f"initial values for " f"{params_with_initial_values} but not for " f"{params_without_initial_values}." ) raise ValueError(error_msg) calling_dict = { name: p._from_value_to_raw_value(p._initial_value) for name, p in self.parameters.items() } self._set_from_dict(calling_dict) def _separator_parser( self, separator: str ) -> Callable[[str], dict[str, ParamRawDataType]]: """A default separator-based string parser""" def parser(ret_str: str) -> dict[str, Any]: keys = self.parameters.keys() values = ret_str.split(separator) return dict(zip(keys, values)) return parser
[docs] def set_parameters(self, parameters_dict: Mapping[str, ParamDataType]) -> None: """ Sets the value of one or more parameters within a group to the given values by calling the ``set_cmd`` while updating rest. Args: parameters_dict: The dictionary of one or more parameters within the group with the corresponding values to be set. """ if not parameters_dict: raise RuntimeError( "Provide at least one group parameter and its value to be set." ) if any((p.get_latest() is None) for p in self.parameters.values()): self.update() calling_dict = {name: p.cache.raw_value for name, p in self.parameters.items()} for parameter_name, value in parameters_dict.items(): p = self.parameters[parameter_name] raw_value = p._from_value_to_raw_value(value) calling_dict[parameter_name] = raw_value self._set_from_dict(calling_dict)
def _set_one_parameter_from_raw( self, set_parameter: GroupParameter, raw_value: ParamRawDataType ) -> None: """ Sets the raw_value of the given parameter within a group to the given raw_value by calling the ``set_cmd``. Args: set_parameter: The parameter within the group to set. raw_value: The new raw_value for this parameter. """ # TODO replace get latest with call to cache.invalid once that lands if any((p.get_latest() is None) for p in self.parameters.values()): self.update() calling_dict = {name: p.cache.raw_value for name, p in self.parameters.items()} calling_dict[] = raw_value self._set_from_dict(calling_dict) def _set_from_dict(self, calling_dict: Mapping[str, ParamRawDataType]) -> None: """ Use ``set_cmd`` to parse a dict that maps parameter names to parameter raw values, and actually perform setting the values. """ if self._set_cmd is None: raise RuntimeError("Calling set but no `set_cmd` defined") command_str = self._set_cmd.format(**calling_dict) if self.instrument is None: raise RuntimeError( "Trying to set GroupParameter not attached to any instrument." ) self.instrument.write(command_str) for name, p in list(self.parameters.items()): p.cache._set_from_raw_value(calling_dict[name])
[docs] def update(self) -> None: """ Update the values of all the parameters within the group by calling the ``get_cmd``. """ if self.instrument is None: raise RuntimeError( "Trying to update GroupParameter not attached to any instrument." ) if self._get_cmd is None: parameter_names = ", ".join(p.full_name for p in self.parameters.values()) raise RuntimeError( f"Cannot update values in the group with " f"parameters - {parameter_names} since it " f"has no `get_cmd` defined." ) ret = self.get_parser(self.instrument.ask(self._get_cmd)) for name, p in list(self.parameters.items()): p.cache._set_from_raw_value(ret[name])
@property def parameters(self) -> OrderedDict[str, GroupParameter]: """ All parameters in this group as a dict from parameter name to :class:`.Parameter` """ return self._parameters @property def instrument(self) -> InstrumentBase | None: """ The ``root_instrument`` that this parameter belongs to. """ return self._instrument