from __future__ import annotations
import os
from import Iterator, Mapping, Sequence
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any
import numpy as np
from .parameter_base import ParameterBase
from .sequence_helpers import is_sequence_of
from qcodes.instrument import InstrumentBase
from import DataArray
_SP_TYPES: tuple[type, ...] = (
except ImportError:
def _is_nested_sequence_or_none(
obj: Any,
types: type[object | None] | tuple[type[object | None], ...] | None,
shapes: Sequence[Sequence[int | None]],
) -> bool:
"""Validator for MultiParameter setpoints/names/labels"""
if obj is None:
return True
if not is_sequence_of(obj, tuple, shape=(len(shapes),)):
return False
for obji, shapei in zip(obj, shapes):
if not is_sequence_of(obji, types, shape=(len(shapei),)):
return False
return True
class MultiParameter(ParameterBase):
A gettable parameter that returns multiple values with separate names,
each of arbitrary shape. Not necessarily part of an instrument.
Subclasses should define a ``.get_raw`` method, which returns a sequence of
values. This method is automatically wrapped to provide a ``.get`` method.
When used in a legacy method``Loop`` or ``Measure`` operation, each of
these values will be entered into a different ``DataArray``. The
constructor args describe what data we expect from each ``.get`` call
and how it should be handled. ``.get`` should always return the same
number of items, and most of the constructor arguments should be tuples
of that same length.
For now you must specify upfront the array shape of each item returned by
``.get_raw``, and this cannot change from one call to the next. Later, we
intend to require only that you specify the dimension of each item
returned, and the size of each dimension can vary from call to call.
name: The local name of the whole parameter. Should be a valid
identifier, ie no spaces or special characters. If this parameter
is part of an Instrument or Station, this is how it will be
referenced from that parent, i.e. ```` or
names: A name for each item returned by a ``.get``
call. Will be used as the basis of the ``DataArray`` names
when this parameter is used to create a ``DataSet``.
shapes: The shape (as used in numpy arrays) of
each item. Scalars should be denoted by (), 1D arrays as (n,),
2D arrays as (n, m), etc.
instrument: The instrument this parameter
belongs to, if any.
labels: A label for each item. Normally used
as the axis label when a component is graphed, along with the
matching entry from ``units``.
units: A unit of measure for each item.
Use ``''`` or ``None`` for unitless values.
setpoints: ``array`` can be a DataArray, numpy.ndarray, or sequence.
The setpoints for each returned array. An N-dimension item should
have N setpoint arrays, where the first is 1D, the second 2D, etc.
If omitted for any or all items, defaults to integers from zero in
each respective direction.
**Note**: if the setpoints will be different each measurement,
leave this out and return the setpoints (with extra names) in
setpoint_names: One identifier (like
``name``) per setpoint array. Ignored if a setpoint is a
DataArray, which already has a name.
setpoint_labels: One label (like
``labels``) per setpoint array. Ignored if a setpoint is a
DataArray, which already has a label.
setpoint_units: One unit (like
``V``) per setpoint array. Ignored if a setpoint is a
DataArray, which already has a unit.
docstring: Documentation string for the ``__doc__``
field of the object. The ``__doc__`` field of the instance is
used by some help systems, but not all
snapshot_get: Prevent any update to the parameter, for example
if it takes too long to update. Default ``True``.
snapshot_value: Should the value of the parameter be stored in the
snapshot. Unlike Parameter this defaults to False as
MultiParameters are potentially huge.
snapshot_exclude: True prevents parameter to be
included in the snapshot. Useful if there are many of the same
parameter which are clogging up the snapshot.
Default ``False``.
metadata: Extra information to include with the
JSON snapshot of the parameter.
def __init__(
name: str,
names: Sequence[str],
shapes: Sequence[Sequence[int]],
instrument: InstrumentBase | None = None,
labels: Sequence[str] | None = None,
units: Sequence[str] | None = None,
setpoints: Sequence[Sequence[Any]] | None = None,
setpoint_names: Sequence[Sequence[str]] | None = None,
setpoint_labels: Sequence[Sequence[str]] | None = None,
setpoint_units: Sequence[Sequence[str]] | None = None,
docstring: str | None = None,
snapshot_get: bool = True,
snapshot_value: bool = False,
snapshot_exclude: bool = False,
metadata: Mapping[Any, Any] | None = None,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> None:
if not is_sequence_of(names, str):
raise ValueError("names must be a tuple of strings, not " + repr(names))
self.names = tuple(names)
self.labels = labels if labels is not None else names
self.units = units if units is not None else [""] * len(names)
nt: type[None] = type(None)
if not is_sequence_of(shapes, int, depth=2) or len(shapes) != len(names):
raise ValueError(
f"shapes must be a tuple of tuples of ints, not {shapes!r}"
self.shapes = shapes
if not _is_nested_sequence_or_none(setpoints, _SP_TYPES, shapes):
raise ValueError("setpoints must be a tuple of tuples of arrays")
if not _is_nested_sequence_or_none(setpoint_names, (nt, str), shapes):
raise ValueError("setpoint_names must be a tuple of tuples of strings")
if not _is_nested_sequence_or_none(setpoint_labels, (nt, str), shapes):
raise ValueError("setpoint_labels must be a tuple of tuples of strings")
if not _is_nested_sequence_or_none(setpoint_units, (nt, str), shapes):
raise ValueError("setpoint_units must be a tuple of tuples of strings")
self.setpoints = setpoints
self.setpoint_names = setpoint_names
self.setpoint_labels = setpoint_labels
self.setpoint_units = setpoint_units
self.__doc__ = os.linesep.join(
"MultiParameter class:",
f"* `name` {}",
"* `names` {}".format(", ".join(self.names)),
"* `labels` {}".format(", ".join(self.labels)),
"* `units` {}".format(", ".join(self.units)),
if docstring is not None:
self.__doc__ = os.linesep.join((docstring, "", self.__doc__))
if not self.gettable and not self.settable:
raise AttributeError("MultiParameter must have a get, set or both")
def short_names(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
short_names is identical to names i.e. the names of the parameter
parts but does not add the instrument name.
It exists for consistency with instruments and other parameters.
return self.names
def full_names(self) -> tuple[str, ...]:
Names of the parameter components including the name of the instrument
and submodule that the parameter may be bound to. The name parts are
separated by underscores, like this: ``instrument_submodule_parameter``
inst_name = "_".join(self.name_parts[:-1])
if inst_name != "":
return tuple(inst_name + "_" + name for name in self.names)
return self.names
def setpoint_full_names(self) -> Sequence[Sequence[str]] | None:
Full names of setpoints including instrument names, if available
if self.setpoint_names is None:
return None
# omit the last part of name_parts which is the parameter name
# and not part of the setpoint names
inst_name = "_".join(self.name_parts[:-1])
if inst_name != "":
full_sp_names = []
for sp_group in self.setpoint_names:
full_sp_names_subgroupd = []
for spname in sp_group:
if spname is not None:
full_sp_names_subgroupd.append(inst_name + "_" + spname)
return tuple(full_sp_names)
return self.setpoint_names