Provides validators for different types of values. Validator validates if the
value belongs to the given type and is in the provided range.
from __future__ import annotations
import math
import typing
from collections import abc
from collections.abc import Hashable
from typing import Any, Generic, Literal, TypeVar, cast
import numpy as np
BIGSTRING = 1000000000
BIGINT = int(1e18)
numbertypes = float | int | np.floating | np.integer
shape_type = int | typing.Callable[[], int]
shape_tuple_type = tuple[shape_type, ...] | None
def validate_all(*args: tuple[Validator[Any], Any], context: str = "") -> None:
Takes a list of (validator, value) couplets and tests whether they are
all valid, raising ValueError otherwise.
*args: Values to validate.
context: keyword-only arg with a string to include in the error message
giving the user context for the error.
if context:
context = "; " + context
for i, (validator, value) in enumerate(args):
validator.validate(value, "argument " + str(i) + context)
def range_str(
min_val: float | np.floating[Any] | np.integer[Any] | None,
max_val: float | np.floating[Any] | np.integer[Any] | None,
name: str,
) -> str:
Utility to represent ranges in Validator repr's.
if max_val is not None:
if min_val is not None:
if max_val == min_val:
return f" {name}={min_val}"
return f" {min_val}<={name}<={max_val}"
return f" {name}<={max_val}"
elif min_val is not None:
return f" {name}>={min_val}"
return ""
T = TypeVar("T")
class Validator(Generic[T]):
Base class for all value validators
each validator should implement:
Here a private attribute, `_valid_values`, should be set.
``_valid_values`` must be a tuple of at least one valid value.
If possible, it should include all valid values. The purpose of
this attribute is to make it possible to find a valid value for
a :class:`.Parameter`, given its validator.
Function of two args: value, context value is what you're testing.
context is a string identifying the caller better.
Raises an error (TypeError or ValueError) if the value fails.
A boolean flag that marks if this a numeric type.
The base class implements,
A property exposing ``_valid_values``, which is a tuple
of examples of valid values. For very simple validators, like
:class:`Bool` or :class:`Enum`, the tuple contains all valid values,
but in general it just holds SOME valid values.
These example values are intended to be useful when simulating
Alternatively you may override ``_valid_values`` and provide your own
implementation of getting valid values.
_valid_values: tuple[T, ...] = ()
is_numeric = False # is this a numeric type (so it can be swept)?
def validate(self, value: T, context: str = "") -> None:
raise NotImplementedError
def valid_values(self) -> tuple[T, ...]:
return self._valid_values
class Anything(Validator[Any]):
"""Allow any value to pass."""
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._valid_values = (0,)
def validate(self, value: Any, context: str = "") -> None:
# NOTE(giulioungaretti): why is_numeric?
# it allows for set_step in parameter
# TODO(giulioungaretti): possible refactor
is_numeric = True
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "<Anything>"
class Nothing(Validator[Any]):
Allow no value to pass.
def __init__(self, reason: str) -> None:
if reason:
self._reason = reason
self._reason = "Nothing Validator"
def validate(self, value: Any, context: str = "") -> None:
raise RuntimeError(f"{self.reason}; {context}")
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<Nothing({self.reason})>"
def reason(self) -> str:
return self._reason
def reason(self, reason: str) -> None:
self._reason = reason
class Bool(Validator[bool | np.bool_]):
Requires a boolean.
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._valid_values = (True, False)
def validate(self, value: bool | np.bool_, context: str = "") -> None:
Validates if bool else raises error.
value: Bool
context: Context for validation.
TypeError: IF not a boolean.
if not isinstance(value, bool) and not isinstance(value, np.bool_):
raise TypeError(f"{value!r} is not Boolean; {context}")
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "<Boolean>"
class Strings(Validator[str]):
Requires a string
optional parameters min_length and max_length limit the allowed length
to min_length <= len(value) <= max_length
TypeError: If min_length or max_length negative. Or max_length lower
than min_length.
def __init__(self, min_length: int = 0, max_length: int = BIGSTRING) -> None:
if isinstance(min_length, int) and min_length >= 0:
self._min_length = min_length
raise TypeError("min_length must be a non-negative integer")
if isinstance(max_length, int) and max_length >= max(min_length, 1):
self._max_length = max_length
raise TypeError(
"max_length must be a positive integer no smaller than min_length"
self._valid_values = ("." * min_length,)
def validate(self, value: str, context: str = "") -> None:
Validates if string else raises error.
value: A string.
context: Context for validation.
TypeError: If not a string.
ValueError: If length is not between min_length and max_length.
if not isinstance(value, str):
raise TypeError(f"{value!r} is not a string; {context}")
vallen = len(value)
if vallen < self._min_length or vallen > self._max_length:
raise ValueError(
f"{value!r} is invalid: length must be between "
f"{self._min_length} and {self._max_length} inclusive; {context}"
def __repr__(self) -> str:
minv = self._min_length or None
maxv = self._max_length if self._max_length < BIGSTRING else None
return "<Strings{}>".format(range_str(minv, maxv, "len"))
def min_length(self) -> int:
return self._min_length
def max_length(self) -> int:
return self._max_length
class Numbers(Validator[numbertypes]):
Requires a number of type int, float, numpy.integer or numpy.floating.
min_value: Minimal value allowed, default -inf.
max_value: Maximal value allowed, default inf.
TypeError: If min or max value not a number. Or if min_value is
larger than the max_value.
validtypes = (float, int, np.integer, np.floating)
def __init__(
min_value: numbertypes = -float("inf"),
max_value: numbertypes = float("inf"),
) -> None:
if isinstance(min_value, self.validtypes):
self._min_value = min_value
raise TypeError("min_value must be a number")
valuesok = max_value > min_value
if isinstance(max_value, self.validtypes) and valuesok:
self._max_value = max_value
raise TypeError("max_value must be a number bigger than min_value")
self._valid_values = (min_value, max_value)
def validate(self, value: numbertypes, context: str = "") -> None:
Validate if number else raises error.
value: A number.
context: Context for validation.
TypeError: If not int or float.
ValueError: If number is not between the min and the max value.
if not isinstance(value, self.validtypes):
raise TypeError(f"{value!r} is not an int or float; {context}")
if not (self._min_value <= value <= self._max_value):
raise ValueError(
f"{value!r} is invalid: must be between "
f"{self._min_value} and {self._max_value} inclusive; {context}"
is_numeric = True
def __repr__(self) -> str:
minv = self._min_value if math.isfinite(self._min_value) else None
maxv = self._max_value if math.isfinite(self._max_value) else None
return "<Numbers{}>".format(range_str(minv, maxv, "v"))
def min_value(self) -> float:
return float(self._min_value)
def max_value(self) -> float:
return float(self._max_value)
class Ints(Validator[int | np.integer[Any] | bool]):
Requires an integer.
Optional parameters min_value and max_value, enforce
min_value <= value <= max_value.
max_value: value must be <= max_value
min_value: value must be >= min_value
TypeError: If min_value and max_value is not an integer. Or
min_value is larger than the min_value.
validtypes = (int, np.integer)
inttypes = int | np.integer
def __init__(
self, min_value: inttypes = -BIGINT, max_value: inttypes = BIGINT
) -> None:
if isinstance(min_value, self.validtypes):
self._min_value = int(min_value)
raise TypeError("min_value must be an integer")
if not isinstance(max_value, self.validtypes):
raise TypeError("max_value must be an integer")
if max_value > min_value:
self._max_value = int(max_value)
raise TypeError("max_value must be an integer bigger than min_value")
self._valid_values = (min_value, max_value)
def validate(self, value: inttypes, context: str = "") -> None:
Validates if int else raises error.
value: An integer.
context: Context for validation.
TypeError: If not an integer.
ValueError: If not between min_value and max_value.
if not isinstance(value, self.validtypes):
raise TypeError(f"{value!r} is not an int; {context}")
if not (self._min_value <= value <= self._max_value):
raise ValueError(
f"{value!r} is invalid: must be between "
f"{self._min_value} and {self._max_value} inclusive; {context}"
is_numeric = True
def __repr__(self) -> str:
minv = self._min_value if self._min_value > -BIGINT else None
maxv = self._max_value if self._max_value < BIGINT else None
return "<Ints{}>".format(range_str(minv, maxv, "v"))
def min_value(self) -> int:
return int(self._min_value)
def max_value(self) -> int:
return int(self._max_value)
class PermissiveInts(Ints):
Requires an integer or a float close to an integer
optional parameters min_value and max_value enforce
min_value <= value <= max_value.
Note that you probably always want to use this with a
set_parser that converts the float repr to an actual int.
def validate(self, value: numbertypes, context: str = "") -> None:
Validates if int or close to int (remainder to the rounded value is
less than 1e-5) else raises error.
value: Integer or close to integer.
context: Context for validation.
TypeError: If not an int or close to it.
castvalue: int | np.integer[Any]
if isinstance(value, (float, np.floating)):
intrepr = int(np.round(value))
remainder = np.abs(value - intrepr)
if remainder < 1e-05:
castvalue = intrepr
raise TypeError(
f"{value!r} is not an int or close to an int; {context}"
castvalue = value
super().validate(castvalue, context=context)
class ComplexNumbers(Validator[complex | np.complexfloating[Any, Any]]):
A validator for complex numbers.
validtypes = (complex, np.complex128, np.complex64)
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._valid_values = ((1 + 1j),)
def validate(
self, value: complex | np.complexfloating[Any, Any], context: str = ""
) -> None:
Validates if complex number else raises error.
value: A complex number.
context: Context for validation.
TypeError: If not a complex number.
# for some reason pyright does not think numpy complex
# types as valid types here
if not isinstance(value, self.validtypes): # pyright: ignore
raise TypeError(f"{value!r} is not complex; {context}")
is_numeric = False # there is no meaningful way to sweep a complex number
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "<Complex Number>"
class Enum(Validator[Hashable]):
Requires one of a provided set of values.
eg. Enum(val1, val2, val3)
TypeError: If no value provided
def __init__(self, *values: Hashable | None) -> None:
if not len(values):
raise TypeError("Enum needs at least one value")
self._values = set(values)
self._valid_values = tuple(values)
def validate(self, value: Hashable, context: str = "") -> None:
if value not in self._values:
raise ValueError(f"{value!r} is not in {self._values!r}; {context}")
except TypeError as e: # in case of unhashable (mutable) type
e.args = (
f"error looking for {value!r} in {self._values!r}; {context}",
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<Enum: {self._values!r}>"
def values(self) -> set[Hashable]:
return self._values.copy()
class OnOff(Validator[str]):
Requires either the string 'on' or 'off'.
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._validator = Enum("on", "off")
self._valid_values = cast(tuple[str, ...], self._validator._valid_values)
def validate(self, value: str, context: str = "") -> None:
self._validator.validate(value, context)
class Multiples(Ints):
A validator that checks if a value is an integer multiple of a
fixed divisor. This class extends validators.Ints such that the
value is also checked for being integer between an optional
min_value and max_value. Furthermore this validator checks that
the value is an integer multiple of an fixed, integer
divisor. (i.e. value % divisor == 0)
divisor: the value need the be a multiple of this divisor
max_value: value must be <= max_value
min_value: value must be >= min_value
def __init__(self, divisor: int = 1, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
if not isinstance(divisor, int) or divisor <= 0:
raise TypeError("divisor must be a positive integer")
self._divisor = divisor
self._valid_values = (divisor,)
def validate(self, value: int | np.integer[Any], context: str = "") -> None:
Validates if the value is a integer multiple of divisor else raises
value: An integer.
context: Context for validation.
ValueError: If not a multiple of a divisor.
super().validate(value=value, context=context)
if not value % self._divisor == 0:
raise ValueError(
f"{value!r} is not a multiple of {self._divisor!r}; {context}"
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return super().__repr__()[:-1] + f", Multiples of {self._divisor}>"
is_numeric = True
def divisor(self) -> int:
return self._divisor
class PermissiveMultiples(Validator[numbertypes]):
A validator that checks whether a value is an integer multiple
of a fixed divisor (to within some precision). If both value and
divisor are integers, the (exact) Multiples validator is used.
We also allow negative values, meaning that zero by construction is
always a valid value.
divisor: The number that the validated value should be an integer
multiple of.
precision: The maximally allowed absolute error between the value and
the nearest true multiple.
ValueError: If divisor is zero.
def __init__(self, divisor: numbertypes, precision: float = 1e-9) -> None:
self._mulval: Multiples | None = None
self._precision = precision
self._numval = Numbers()
self.divisor = divisor
def validate(self, value: numbertypes, context: str = "") -> None:
Validate the given value. Note that this validator does not use
context for anything.
ValueError: If value is not the multiple of divisor.
# if zero, it passes by definition
if value == 0:
if self._mulval and isinstance(value, int):
# floating-point division cannot be trusted, so we try to
# multiply our way out of the problem by constructing true
# multiples in the relevant range and see if `value` is one
# of them (within rounding errors)
divs = int(np.divmod(value, self._divisor)[0])
true_vals = np.array([n * self._divisor for n in range(divs, divs + 2)])
abs_errs = [abs(tv - value) for tv in true_vals]
if min(abs_errs) > self._precision:
raise ValueError(f"{value} is not a multiple" + f" of {self._divisor}.")
def __repr__(self) -> str:
repr_str = f"<PermissiveMultiples, Multiples of {self._divisor} to within {self._precision}>"
return repr_str
is_numeric = True
def divisor(self) -> numbertypes:
return self._divisor
def divisor(self, divisor: numbertypes) -> None:
if divisor == 0:
raise ValueError("Can not meaningfully check for multiples of zero.")
if isinstance(divisor, int):
self._mulval = Multiples(divisor=abs(divisor))
self._mulval = None
self._valid_values = (divisor,)
self._divisor = divisor
def precision(self) -> float:
return self._precision
def precision(self, precision: float) -> None:
self._precision = precision
class MultiType(Validator[Any]):
Allow the combination of several different validators.
By default, the resulting validator acts as a logical OR
between the different validators. Pass combiner='AND' to
require all validators to return True instead of atleast
one returning True.
1. To allow numbers as well as "off":
>>> MultiType(Numbers(), Enum("off"))
>>> MultiType(Numbers(), Enum("off"), combiner='OR')
2. To require values that are divisible by 0.001 while >=0.002 and <=50000.0
>>> MultiType(PermissiveMultiples(divisor=1e-3),
>>> Numbers(min_value=2e-3, max_value=5e4),
>>> combiner='AND')
TypeError: If no validators provided. Or if any of the provided
argument is not a valid validator. Or if combiner is not in
['OR', 'AND'].
def __init__(
self, *validators: Validator[Any], combiner: Literal["OR", "AND"] = "OR"
) -> None:
if not validators:
raise TypeError("MultiType needs at least one Validator")
if combiner not in ["OR", "AND"]:
raise TypeError("MultiType combiner argument must be one of ['OR', 'AND']")
for v in validators:
if not isinstance(v, Validator):
raise TypeError("each argument must be a Validator")
if v.is_numeric:
# if ANY of the contained validators is numeric,
# the MultiType is considered numeric too.
# this could cause problems if you want to sweep
# from a non-numeric to a numeric value, so we
# need to be careful about this in the sweep code
self.is_numeric = True
self._validators = tuple(validators)
self._combiner: Literal["OR", "AND"] = combiner
self._valid_values = tuple(
vval for v in self._validators for vval in v._valid_values
def validate(self, value: Any, context: str = "") -> None:
args: list[str] = []
for v in self._validators:
v.validate(value, context)
if self._combiner == "OR":
except Exception as e:
# collect the args from all validators so you can see why
# each one that was tested failed
args = args + list(e.args)
if self._combiner == "AND":
raise ValueError(*args)
if self._combiner == "OR":
raise ValueError(*args)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
parts = (repr(v)[1:-1] for v in self._validators)
return "<MultiType: {}>".format(", ".join(parts))
def combiner(self) -> Literal["OR", "AND"]:
return self._combiner
def validators(self) -> tuple[Validator[Any], ...]:
return self._validators
class MultiTypeOr(MultiType):
Allow the combination of several different validators.
The resulting validator acts as a logical OR between the
different validators.
To allow numbers as well as "off":
>>> MultiTypeOr(Numbers(), Enum("off"))
TypeError: If no validators provided. Or if any of the provided
argument is not a valid validator.
def __init__(
*validators: Validator[Any],
) -> None:
super().__init__(*validators, combiner="OR")
def __repr__(self) -> str:
parts = (repr(v)[1:-1] for v in self._validators)
return "<MultiTypeOr: {}>".format(", ".join(parts))
class MultiTypeAnd(MultiType):
Allow the combination of several different validators.
The resulting validator acts as a logical AND between the
different validators.
To require values that are divisible by 0.001 while >=0.002 and <=50000.0
>>> MultiType(PermissiveMultiples(divisor=1e-3),
>>> Numbers(min_value=2e-3, max_value=5e4),
>>> combiner='AND')
TypeError: If no validators provided. Or if any of the provided
argument is not a valid validator.
def __init__(
*validators: Validator[Any],
) -> None:
super().__init__(*validators, combiner="AND")
self._valid_values = ()
def __repr__(self) -> str:
parts = (repr(v)[1:-1] for v in self._validators)
return "<MultiTypeAnd: {}>".format(", ".join(parts))
class Arrays(Validator[np.ndarray]):
Validator for numerical numpy arrays of numeric types (int, float, complex).
By default it validates int and float arrays.
Min and max validation is not supported for complex numbers.
min_value: Min value allowed, default None for which min value
check is not performed
max_value: Max value allowed, default None for which max value
check is not performed
shape: The shape of the array, tuple of either ints or Callables taking
no arguments that return the size along that dim as an int.
valid_types: Sequence of types that the validator should support.
Should be a subset of the supported types, or None. If None,
all real datatypes will validate.
TypeError: If value of arrays are not supported.
__real_types = (np.integer, np.floating)
__supported_types = (*__real_types, np.complexfloating)
def __init__(
min_value: numbertypes | None = None,
max_value: numbertypes | None = None,
shape: abc.Sequence[shape_type] | None = None,
valid_types: abc.Sequence[type] | None = None,
) -> None:
if valid_types is not None:
for mytype in valid_types:
is_supported = any(
np.issubdtype(mytype, supported_type)
for supported_type in self.__supported_types
if not is_supported:
raise TypeError(
f"Arrays validator only supports numeric "
f"types: {mytype} is not supported."
self.valid_types = valid_types
self.valid_types = self.__real_types
supports_complex = any(
np.issubdtype(my_type, np.complexfloating) for my_type in self.valid_types
limits_given = min_value is not None or max_value is not None
min_real = any(
np.issubdtype(type(min_value), real_type) for real_type in self.__real_types
max_real = any(
np.issubdtype(type(max_value), real_type) for real_type in self.__real_types
if min_value is not None and not min_real:
raise TypeError(
f"min_value must be a real number. It is "
f"{min_value} of type {type(min_value)}"
if max_value is not None and not max_real:
raise TypeError(
f"max_value must be a real number. It is "
f"{max_value} of type {type(max_value)}"
if supports_complex and limits_given:
raise TypeError(
"Setting min_value or max_value is not supported for "
"complex validators."
min_value_is_valid_type = any(
np.issubdtype(type(min_value), valid_type)
for valid_type in self.valid_types
max_value_is_valid_type = any(
np.issubdtype(type(max_value), valid_type)
for valid_type in self.valid_types
if min_value_is_valid_type or min_value is None:
self._min_value = min_value
raise TypeError(
f"min_value must be an instance of valid_types. "
f"It is {min_value} of "
f"type {type(min_value)}"
if max_value_is_valid_type or max_value is None:
self._max_value = max_value
raise TypeError(
f"max_value must be an instance of valid_types. "
f"It is {max_value} of "
f"type {type(max_value)}"
if min_value is not None and max_value is not None:
valuesok = max_value > min_value
if not valuesok:
raise TypeError("max_value must be bigger than min_value")
if not isinstance(shape, abc.Sequence) and shape is not None:
raise ValueError(
f"Shape must be a sequence (List, Tuple ...) got a {type(shape)}"
self._shape: shape_tuple_type = None
if shape is not None:
self._shape = tuple(shape)
def valid_values(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray]:
valid_type = self.valid_types[0]
if valid_type == np.integer:
valid_type = np.int32
if valid_type == np.floating:
valid_type = np.float64
if valid_type == np.complexfloating:
valid_type = np.complex128
if self.shape is None:
return (np.array([self._min_value], dtype=valid_type),)
val_arr: np.ndarray = np.empty(self.shape, dtype=valid_type)
return (val_arr,)
def shape_unevaluated(self) -> shape_tuple_type:
return self._shape
def shape(self) -> tuple[int, ...] | None:
if self._shape is None:
return None
shape_array = []
for s in self._shape:
if callable(s):
shape = tuple(shape_array)
return shape
def validate(self, value: np.ndarray, context: str = "") -> None:
if not isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
raise TypeError(f"{value!r} is not a numpy array; {context}")
if not any(
np.issubdtype(value.dtype.type, valid_type)
for valid_type in self.valid_types
raise TypeError(
f"type of {value} is not any of {self.valid_types}"
f" it is {value.dtype}; {context}"
if self.shape is not None:
shape = self.shape
if np.shape(value) != shape:
raise ValueError(
f"{value!r} does not have expected shape {shape},"
f" it has shape {np.shape(value)}; {context}"
# Only check if max is not inf as it can be expensive for large arrays
if self._max_value != (float("inf")) and self._max_value is not None:
if not (np.max(value) <= self._max_value):
raise ValueError(
f"{value!r} is invalid: all values must be between "
f"{self._min_value} and {self._max_value} inclusive; {context}"
# Only check if min is not -inf as it can be expensive for large arrays
if self._min_value != (-float("inf")) and self._min_value is not None:
if not (self._min_value <= np.min(value)):
raise ValueError(
f"{value!r} is invalid: all values must be between "
f"{self._min_value} and {self._max_value} inclusive; {context}"
is_numeric = True
def __repr__(self) -> str:
if self._min_value is None or not math.isfinite(self._min_value):
minv = None
minv = self._min_value
if self._max_value is None or not math.isfinite(self._max_value):
maxv = None
maxv = self._max_value
# we don't want the repr to execute any deferred shape argument
# so we use shape_unevaluated
return "<Arrays{}, shape: {}>".format(
range_str(minv, maxv, "v"), self.shape_unevaluated
def min_value(self) -> float | None:
return float(self._min_value) if self._min_value is not None else None
def max_value(self) -> float | None:
return float(self._max_value) if self._max_value is not None else None
class Lists(Validator[list[T]]):
Validator for lists
elt_validator: Used to validate the individual elements of the list.
def __init__(self, elt_validator: Validator[T] = Anything()) -> None:
self._elt_validator = elt_validator
self._valid_values = ([vval for vval in elt_validator._valid_values],)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
msg = "<Lists : "
msg += self._elt_validator.__repr__() + ">"
return msg
def validate(self, value: list[T], context: str = "") -> None:
Validate if list else raises error.
value: A list.
context: Context for validation.
TypeError: If not list.
if not isinstance(value, list):
raise TypeError(f"{value!r} is not a list; {context}")
# Does not validate elements if not required to improve performance
if not isinstance(self._elt_validator, Anything):
for elt in value:
def elt_validator(self) -> Validator[Any]:
return self._elt_validator
class Sequence(Validator[typing.Sequence[Any]]):
Validator for Sequences.
elt_validator: Used to validate the individual elements of the
length: Length of sequence.
require_sorted: True or False.
def __init__(
elt_validator: Validator[Any] = Anything(),
length: int | None = None,
require_sorted: bool = False,
) -> None:
self._elt_validator = elt_validator
self._length = length
self._require_sorted = require_sorted
self._valid_values = ([vval for vval in elt_validator._valid_values],)
def __repr__(self) -> str:
msg = "<Sequence : "
msg += f"len: {self._length} "
msg += f"sorted: {self._require_sorted} "
msg += self._elt_validator.__repr__() + ">"
return msg
def validate(self, value: abc.Sequence[Any], context: str = "") -> None:
Validates if sequence else raise typeerror.
value: A sequence.
context: Context for validation.
TypeError: If not a sequence.
ValueError: If not of given length or if not sorted.
if not isinstance(value, abc.Sequence):
raise TypeError(f"{value!r} is not a sequence; {context}")
if self._length and not len(value) == self._length:
raise ValueError(
f"{value!r} has not length {self._length} but {len(value)}"
if self._require_sorted and tuple(sorted(value)) != tuple(value):
raise ValueError(f"{value!r} is required to be sorted.")
# Does not validate elements if not required to improve performance
if not isinstance(self._elt_validator, Anything):
for elt in value:
def elt_validator(self) -> Validator[Any]:
return self._elt_validator
def length(self) -> int | None:
return self._length
def require_sorted(self) -> bool:
return self._require_sorted
class Callable(Validator[typing.Callable[..., Any]]):
Validator for callables such as functions.
def __init__(self) -> None:
self._valid_values = (lambda: 0,)
def validate(self, value: abc.Callable[..., Any], context: str = "") -> None:
Validates if callable else raise typeerror.
value: Value to validate.
context: Context for validation.
TypeError: If not a callable.
if not callable(value):
raise TypeError(f"{value!r} is not a callable; {context}")
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return "<Callable>"
class Dict(Validator[dict[Hashable, Any]]):
Validator for dictionaries.
def __init__(self, allowed_keys: abc.Sequence[Hashable] | None = None) -> None:
Validator for dictionary keys
allowed_keys: if set, all keys must be in allowed_keys
self._allowed_keys = allowed_keys
self._valid_values = ({0: 1},)
def validate(self, value: dict[Hashable, Any], context: str = "") -> None:
Validates dictionary keys else raise typeerror.
value: Dictionary.
context: Context for validation.
TypeError: If not a dictionary.
SyntaxError: If keys are not in allowed keys.
if not isinstance(value, dict):
raise TypeError(f"{value!r} is not a dictionary; {context}")
allowed_keys = self._allowed_keys
if allowed_keys is not None:
forbidden_keys = [key for key in value if key not in allowed_keys]
if forbidden_keys:
raise SyntaxError(
f"Dictionary keys {forbidden_keys} are not in allowed keys "
def __repr__(self) -> str:
if self._allowed_keys is None:
return "<Dict>"
return f"<Dict {self._allowed_keys}>"
def allowed_keys(self) -> abc.Sequence[Hashable] | None:
return self._allowed_keys
def allowed_keys(self, keys: abc.Sequence[Hashable] | None) -> None:
self._allowed_keys = keys