Struct ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
pub struct ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9(/* private fields */);
§impl ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
impl ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
pub unsafe fn RSSetDepthBias( &self, depthbias: f32, depthbiasclamp: f32, slopescaleddepthbias: f32, )
pub unsafe fn IASetIndexBufferStripCutValue( &self, ibstripcutvalue: D3D12_INDEX_BUFFER_STRIP_CUT_VALUE, )
Methods from Deref<Target = ID3D12GraphicsCommandList8>§
pub unsafe fn OMSetFrontAndBackStencilRef( &self, frontstencilref: u32, backstencilref: u32, )
Methods from Deref<Target = ID3D12GraphicsCommandList7>§
pub unsafe fn Barrier(&self, pbarriergroups: &[D3D12_BARRIER_GROUP])
Methods from Deref<Target = ID3D12GraphicsCommandList6>§
pub unsafe fn DispatchMesh( &self, threadgroupcountx: u32, threadgroupcounty: u32, threadgroupcountz: u32, )
Methods from Deref<Target = ID3D12GraphicsCommandList5>§
pub unsafe fn RSSetShadingRate( &self, baseshadingrate: D3D12_SHADING_RATE, combiners: Option<*const D3D12_SHADING_RATE_COMBINER>, )
pub unsafe fn RSSetShadingRateImage<P0>(&self, shadingrateimage: P0)where
P0: Param<ID3D12Resource>,
Methods from Deref<Target = ID3D12GraphicsCommandList4>§
pub unsafe fn BeginRenderPass( &self, prendertargets: Option<&[D3D12_RENDER_PASS_RENDER_TARGET_DESC]>, pdepthstencil: Option<*const D3D12_RENDER_PASS_DEPTH_STENCIL_DESC>, flags: D3D12_RENDER_PASS_FLAGS, )
pub unsafe fn EndRenderPass(&self)
pub unsafe fn InitializeMetaCommand<P0>(
pmetacommand: P0,
pinitializationparametersdata: Option<*const c_void>,
initializationparametersdatasizeinbytes: usize,
P0: Param<ID3D12MetaCommand>,
pub unsafe fn ExecuteMetaCommand<P0>(
pmetacommand: P0,
pexecutionparametersdata: Option<*const c_void>,
executionparametersdatasizeinbytes: usize,
P0: Param<ID3D12MetaCommand>,
pub unsafe fn BuildRaytracingAccelerationStructure( &self, pdesc: *const D3D12_BUILD_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_DESC, ppostbuildinfodescs: Option<&[D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_POSTBUILD_INFO_DESC]>, )
pub unsafe fn EmitRaytracingAccelerationStructurePostbuildInfo( &self, pdesc: *const D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_POSTBUILD_INFO_DESC, psourceaccelerationstructuredata: &[u64], )
pub unsafe fn CopyRaytracingAccelerationStructure( &self, destaccelerationstructuredata: u64, sourceaccelerationstructuredata: u64, mode: D3D12_RAYTRACING_ACCELERATION_STRUCTURE_COPY_MODE, )
pub unsafe fn SetPipelineState1<P0>(&self, pstateobject: P0)where
P0: Param<ID3D12StateObject>,
pub unsafe fn DispatchRays(&self, pdesc: *const D3D12_DISPATCH_RAYS_DESC)
Methods from Deref<Target = ID3D12GraphicsCommandList3>§
pub unsafe fn SetProtectedResourceSession<P0>(
pprotectedresourcesession: P0,
P0: Param<ID3D12ProtectedResourceSession>,
Methods from Deref<Target = ID3D12GraphicsCommandList2>§
pub unsafe fn WriteBufferImmediate( &self, count: u32, pparams: *const D3D12_WRITEBUFFERIMMEDIATE_PARAMETER, pmodes: Option<*const D3D12_WRITEBUFFERIMMEDIATE_MODE>, )
Methods from Deref<Target = ID3D12GraphicsCommandList1>§
pub unsafe fn AtomicCopyBufferUINT<P0, P2>(
pdstbuffer: P0,
dstoffset: u64,
psrcbuffer: P2,
srcoffset: u64,
dependencies: u32,
ppdependentresources: *const Option<ID3D12Resource>,
pdependentsubresourceranges: *const D3D12_SUBRESOURCE_RANGE_UINT64,
P0: Param<ID3D12Resource>,
P2: Param<ID3D12Resource>,
pub unsafe fn AtomicCopyBufferUINT64<P0, P2>(
pdstbuffer: P0,
dstoffset: u64,
psrcbuffer: P2,
srcoffset: u64,
dependencies: u32,
ppdependentresources: *const Option<ID3D12Resource>,
pdependentsubresourceranges: *const D3D12_SUBRESOURCE_RANGE_UINT64,
P0: Param<ID3D12Resource>,
P2: Param<ID3D12Resource>,
pub unsafe fn OMSetDepthBounds(&self, min: f32, max: f32)
pub unsafe fn SetSamplePositions( &self, numsamplesperpixel: u32, numpixels: u32, psamplepositions: *const D3D12_SAMPLE_POSITION, )
pub unsafe fn ResolveSubresourceRegion<P0, P4>(
pdstresource: P0,
dstsubresource: u32,
dstx: u32,
dsty: u32,
psrcresource: P4,
srcsubresource: u32,
psrcrect: Option<*const RECT>,
format: DXGI_FORMAT,
resolvemode: D3D12_RESOLVE_MODE,
P0: Param<ID3D12Resource>,
P4: Param<ID3D12Resource>,
pub unsafe fn SetViewInstanceMask(&self, mask: u32)
Methods from Deref<Target = ID3D12GraphicsCommandList>§
pub unsafe fn Close(&self) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn Reset<P0, P1>(
pallocator: P0,
pinitialstate: P1,
) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<ID3D12CommandAllocator>,
P1: Param<ID3D12PipelineState>,
pub unsafe fn ClearState<P0>(&self, ppipelinestate: P0)where
P0: Param<ID3D12PipelineState>,
pub unsafe fn DrawInstanced( &self, vertexcountperinstance: u32, instancecount: u32, startvertexlocation: u32, startinstancelocation: u32, )
pub unsafe fn DrawIndexedInstanced( &self, indexcountperinstance: u32, instancecount: u32, startindexlocation: u32, basevertexlocation: i32, startinstancelocation: u32, )
pub unsafe fn Dispatch( &self, threadgroupcountx: u32, threadgroupcounty: u32, threadgroupcountz: u32, )
pub unsafe fn CopyBufferRegion<P0, P2>(
pdstbuffer: P0,
dstoffset: u64,
psrcbuffer: P2,
srcoffset: u64,
numbytes: u64,
P0: Param<ID3D12Resource>,
P2: Param<ID3D12Resource>,
pub unsafe fn CopyTextureRegion( &self, pdst: *const D3D12_TEXTURE_COPY_LOCATION, dstx: u32, dsty: u32, dstz: u32, psrc: *const D3D12_TEXTURE_COPY_LOCATION, psrcbox: Option<*const D3D12_BOX>, )
pub unsafe fn CopyResource<P0, P1>(&self, pdstresource: P0, psrcresource: P1)where
P0: Param<ID3D12Resource>,
P1: Param<ID3D12Resource>,
pub unsafe fn CopyTiles<P0, P3>(
ptiledresource: P0,
ptileregionstartcoordinate: *const D3D12_TILED_RESOURCE_COORDINATE,
ptileregionsize: *const D3D12_TILE_REGION_SIZE,
pbuffer: P3,
bufferstartoffsetinbytes: u64,
P0: Param<ID3D12Resource>,
P3: Param<ID3D12Resource>,
pub unsafe fn ResolveSubresource<P0, P2>(
pdstresource: P0,
dstsubresource: u32,
psrcresource: P2,
srcsubresource: u32,
format: DXGI_FORMAT,
P0: Param<ID3D12Resource>,
P2: Param<ID3D12Resource>,
pub unsafe fn IASetPrimitiveTopology( &self, primitivetopology: D3D_PRIMITIVE_TOPOLOGY, )
pub unsafe fn RSSetViewports(&self, pviewports: &[D3D12_VIEWPORT])
pub unsafe fn RSSetScissorRects(&self, prects: &[RECT])
pub unsafe fn OMSetBlendFactor(&self, blendfactor: Option<&[f32; 4]>)
pub unsafe fn OMSetStencilRef(&self, stencilref: u32)
pub unsafe fn SetPipelineState<P0>(&self, ppipelinestate: P0)where
P0: Param<ID3D12PipelineState>,
pub unsafe fn ResourceBarrier(&self, pbarriers: &[D3D12_RESOURCE_BARRIER])
pub unsafe fn ExecuteBundle<P0>(&self, pcommandlist: P0)where
P0: Param<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList>,
pub unsafe fn SetDescriptorHeaps( &self, ppdescriptorheaps: &[Option<ID3D12DescriptorHeap>], )
pub unsafe fn SetComputeRootSignature<P0>(&self, prootsignature: P0)where
P0: Param<ID3D12RootSignature>,
pub unsafe fn SetGraphicsRootSignature<P0>(&self, prootsignature: P0)where
P0: Param<ID3D12RootSignature>,
pub unsafe fn SetComputeRootDescriptorTable( &self, rootparameterindex: u32, basedescriptor: D3D12_GPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE, )
pub unsafe fn SetGraphicsRootDescriptorTable( &self, rootparameterindex: u32, basedescriptor: D3D12_GPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE, )
pub unsafe fn SetComputeRoot32BitConstant( &self, rootparameterindex: u32, srcdata: u32, destoffsetin32bitvalues: u32, )
pub unsafe fn SetGraphicsRoot32BitConstant( &self, rootparameterindex: u32, srcdata: u32, destoffsetin32bitvalues: u32, )
pub unsafe fn SetComputeRoot32BitConstants( &self, rootparameterindex: u32, num32bitvaluestoset: u32, psrcdata: *const c_void, destoffsetin32bitvalues: u32, )
pub unsafe fn SetGraphicsRoot32BitConstants( &self, rootparameterindex: u32, num32bitvaluestoset: u32, psrcdata: *const c_void, destoffsetin32bitvalues: u32, )
pub unsafe fn SetComputeRootConstantBufferView( &self, rootparameterindex: u32, bufferlocation: u64, )
pub unsafe fn SetGraphicsRootConstantBufferView( &self, rootparameterindex: u32, bufferlocation: u64, )
pub unsafe fn SetComputeRootShaderResourceView( &self, rootparameterindex: u32, bufferlocation: u64, )
pub unsafe fn SetGraphicsRootShaderResourceView( &self, rootparameterindex: u32, bufferlocation: u64, )
pub unsafe fn SetComputeRootUnorderedAccessView( &self, rootparameterindex: u32, bufferlocation: u64, )
pub unsafe fn SetGraphicsRootUnorderedAccessView( &self, rootparameterindex: u32, bufferlocation: u64, )
pub unsafe fn IASetIndexBuffer( &self, pview: Option<*const D3D12_INDEX_BUFFER_VIEW>, )
pub unsafe fn IASetVertexBuffers( &self, startslot: u32, pviews: Option<&[D3D12_VERTEX_BUFFER_VIEW]>, )
pub unsafe fn SOSetTargets( &self, startslot: u32, pviews: Option<&[D3D12_STREAM_OUTPUT_BUFFER_VIEW]>, )
pub unsafe fn OMSetRenderTargets( &self, numrendertargetdescriptors: u32, prendertargetdescriptors: Option<*const D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE>, rtssinglehandletodescriptorrange: bool, pdepthstencildescriptor: Option<*const D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE>, )
pub unsafe fn ClearDepthStencilView( &self, depthstencilview: D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE, clearflags: D3D12_CLEAR_FLAGS, depth: f32, stencil: u8, prects: Option<&[RECT]>, )
pub unsafe fn ClearRenderTargetView( &self, rendertargetview: D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE, colorrgba: &[f32; 4], prects: Option<&[RECT]>, )
pub unsafe fn ClearUnorderedAccessViewUint<P2>(
viewgpuhandleincurrentheap: D3D12_GPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE,
viewcpuhandle: D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE,
presource: P2,
values: &[u32; 4],
prects: &[RECT],
P2: Param<ID3D12Resource>,
pub unsafe fn ClearUnorderedAccessViewFloat<P2>(
viewgpuhandleincurrentheap: D3D12_GPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE,
viewcpuhandle: D3D12_CPU_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE,
presource: P2,
values: &[f32; 4],
prects: &[RECT],
P2: Param<ID3D12Resource>,
pub unsafe fn DiscardResource<P0>(
presource: P0,
pregion: Option<*const D3D12_DISCARD_REGION>,
P0: Param<ID3D12Resource>,
pub unsafe fn BeginQuery<P0>(
pqueryheap: P0,
type: D3D12_QUERY_TYPE,
index: u32,
P0: Param<ID3D12QueryHeap>,
pub unsafe fn EndQuery<P0>(
pqueryheap: P0,
type: D3D12_QUERY_TYPE,
index: u32,
P0: Param<ID3D12QueryHeap>,
pub unsafe fn ResolveQueryData<P0, P4>(
pqueryheap: P0,
type: D3D12_QUERY_TYPE,
startindex: u32,
numqueries: u32,
pdestinationbuffer: P4,
aligneddestinationbufferoffset: u64,
P0: Param<ID3D12QueryHeap>,
P4: Param<ID3D12Resource>,
pub unsafe fn SetPredication<P0>(
pbuffer: P0,
alignedbufferoffset: u64,
operation: D3D12_PREDICATION_OP,
P0: Param<ID3D12Resource>,
pub unsafe fn SetMarker( &self, metadata: u32, pdata: Option<*const c_void>, size: u32, )
pub unsafe fn BeginEvent( &self, metadata: u32, pdata: Option<*const c_void>, size: u32, )
pub unsafe fn EndEvent(&self)
pub unsafe fn ExecuteIndirect<P0, P2, P4>( &self, pcommandsignature: P0, maxcommandcount: u32, pargumentbuffer: P2, argumentbufferoffset: u64, pcountbuffer: P4, countbufferoffset: u64, )
Methods from Deref<Target = ID3D12CommandList>§
pub unsafe fn GetType(&self) -> D3D12_COMMAND_LIST_TYPE
Methods from Deref<Target = ID3D12DeviceChild>§
Methods from Deref<Target = ID3D12Object>§
pub unsafe fn GetPrivateData( &self, guid: *const GUID, pdatasize: *mut u32, pdata: Option<*mut c_void>, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetPrivateData( &self, guid: *const GUID, datasize: u32, pdata: Option<*const c_void>, ) -> Result<()>
pub unsafe fn SetPrivateDataInterface<P1>(
guid: *const GUID,
pdata: P1,
) -> Result<()>where
P1: Param<IUnknown>,
pub unsafe fn SetName<P0>(&self, name: P0) -> Result<()>where
P0: Param<PCWSTR>,
Trait Implementations§
§impl CanInto<ID3D12CommandList> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
impl CanInto<ID3D12CommandList> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
§impl CanInto<ID3D12DeviceChild> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
impl CanInto<ID3D12DeviceChild> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
§impl CanInto<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
impl CanInto<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
§impl CanInto<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList1> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
impl CanInto<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList1> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
§impl CanInto<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList2> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
impl CanInto<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList2> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
§impl CanInto<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList3> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
impl CanInto<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList3> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
§impl CanInto<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList4> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
impl CanInto<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList4> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
§impl CanInto<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList5> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
impl CanInto<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList5> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
§impl CanInto<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList6> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
impl CanInto<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList6> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
§impl CanInto<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList7> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
impl CanInto<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList7> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
§impl CanInto<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList8> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
impl CanInto<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList8> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
§impl CanInto<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList10
impl CanInto<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList10
§impl CanInto<ID3D12Object> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
impl CanInto<ID3D12Object> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
§impl CanInto<IUnknown> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
impl CanInto<IUnknown> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
§impl Clone for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
impl Clone for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
§fn clone(&self) -> ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
fn clone(&self) -> ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · Source§fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)
fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)
Performs copy-assignment from
. Read more§impl Debug for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
impl Debug for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
§impl Deref for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
impl Deref for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
§impl From<&ID3D12GraphicsCommandList10> for &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
impl From<&ID3D12GraphicsCommandList10> for &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
§fn from(value: &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList10) -> Self
fn from(value: &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList10) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<&ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for &ID3D12CommandList
impl From<&ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for &ID3D12CommandList
§fn from(value: &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
fn from(value: &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<&ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for &ID3D12DeviceChild
impl From<&ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for &ID3D12DeviceChild
§fn from(value: &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
fn from(value: &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<&ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList
impl From<&ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList
§fn from(value: &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
fn from(value: &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<&ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList1
impl From<&ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList1
§fn from(value: &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
fn from(value: &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<&ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList2
impl From<&ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList2
§fn from(value: &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
fn from(value: &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<&ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList3
impl From<&ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList3
§fn from(value: &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
fn from(value: &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<&ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList4
impl From<&ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList4
§fn from(value: &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
fn from(value: &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<&ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList5
impl From<&ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList5
§fn from(value: &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
fn from(value: &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<&ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList6
impl From<&ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList6
§fn from(value: &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
fn from(value: &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<&ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList7
impl From<&ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList7
§fn from(value: &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
fn from(value: &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<&ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList8
impl From<&ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList8
§fn from(value: &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
fn from(value: &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<&ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for &ID3D12Object
impl From<&ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for &ID3D12Object
§fn from(value: &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
fn from(value: &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<&ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for &IUnknown
impl From<&ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for &IUnknown
§fn from(value: &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
fn from(value: &ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList10> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
impl From<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList10> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
§fn from(value: ID3D12GraphicsCommandList10) -> Self
fn from(value: ID3D12GraphicsCommandList10) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for ID3D12CommandList
impl From<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for ID3D12CommandList
§fn from(value: ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
fn from(value: ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for ID3D12DeviceChild
impl From<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for ID3D12DeviceChild
§fn from(value: ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
fn from(value: ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList
impl From<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList
§fn from(value: ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
fn from(value: ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList1
impl From<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList1
§fn from(value: ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
fn from(value: ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList2
impl From<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList2
§fn from(value: ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
fn from(value: ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList3
impl From<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList3
§fn from(value: ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
fn from(value: ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList4
impl From<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList4
§fn from(value: ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
fn from(value: ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList5
impl From<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList5
§fn from(value: ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
fn from(value: ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList6
impl From<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList6
§fn from(value: ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
fn from(value: ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList7
impl From<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList7
§fn from(value: ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
fn from(value: ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList8
impl From<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList8
§fn from(value: ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
fn from(value: ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for ID3D12Object
impl From<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for ID3D12Object
§fn from(value: ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
fn from(value: ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl From<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for IUnknown
impl From<ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9> for IUnknown
§fn from(value: ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
fn from(value: ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9) -> Self
Converts to this type from the input type.
§impl Interface for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
impl Interface for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
§fn as_raw(&self) -> *mut c_void
fn as_raw(&self) -> *mut c_void
Returns the raw COM interface pointer. The resulting pointer continues to be owned by the
implementation.§fn into_raw(self) -> *mut c_void
fn into_raw(self) -> *mut c_void
Returns the raw COM interface pointer and releases ownership. It the caller’s responsibility to release the COM interface pointer.
§unsafe fn from_raw_borrowed(raw: &*mut c_void) -> Option<&Self>
unsafe fn from_raw_borrowed(raw: &*mut c_void) -> Option<&Self>
§fn cast<T>(&self) -> Result<T, Error>where
T: Interface,
fn cast<T>(&self) -> Result<T, Error>where
T: Interface,
Attempts to cast the current interface to another interface using
. Read more§fn cast_to_any<T>(&self) -> Result<&(dyn Any + 'static), Error>where
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
fn cast_to_any<T>(&self) -> Result<&(dyn Any + 'static), Error>where
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
This casts the given COM interface to [
&dyn Any
]. Read more§fn is_object<T>(&self) -> boolwhere
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
fn is_object<T>(&self) -> boolwhere
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
§fn cast_object_ref<T>(&self) -> Result<&<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer, Error>where
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
fn cast_object_ref<T>(&self) -> Result<&<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer, Error>where
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
This casts the given COM interface to [
&dyn Any
]. It returns a reference to the “outer”
object, e.g. &MyApp_Impl
, not the inner &MyApp
object. Read more§fn cast_object<T>(&self) -> Result<ComObject<T>, Error>where
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
fn cast_object<T>(&self) -> Result<ComObject<T>, Error>where
T: ComObjectInner,
<T as ComObjectInner>::Outer: Any + 'static + IUnknownImpl<Impl = T>,
This casts the given COM interface to [
&dyn Any
]. It returns a reference to the “outer”
object, e.g. MyApp_Impl
, not the inner MyApp
object. Read more§fn downgrade(&self) -> Result<Weak<Self>, Error>
fn downgrade(&self) -> Result<Weak<Self>, Error>
Attempts to create a [
] reference to this object.§impl PartialEq for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
impl PartialEq for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
impl Eq for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
impl Send for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
impl StructuralPartialEq for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
impl Sync for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
Auto Trait Implementations§
impl Freeze for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
impl RefUnwindSafe for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
impl Unpin for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
impl UnwindSafe for ID3D12GraphicsCommandList9
Blanket Implementations§
Source§impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere
T: ?Sized,
impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for Twhere
T: ?Sized,
Source§fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T
Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more